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Everything posted by Linz

  1. Three strikes and you’re in the Alzheimer’s village.
  2. I can never remember the order in which he has cheese on toast / a poo. Wherever he is today I hope he’s having a nice relax with his feet up and not touching cloth after a big roast dinner! Added: Actually I see he’s Tweeted this morning to promise more of his wonderful blog next year as Santa has given him a new laptop.
  3. What question have I avoided? No I dont think I instigate it as I only post in response to the rubbish they post. Then it escalates as they dont like it and start angrily shitposting and insulting. Last night was a classic example. As I said this Forum is pretty awful to be honest and full of dysfunctional people living out drunken online fantasies that they’re important. If they don’t like me pointing that out it’s their problem. I’m sure Neil Down especially must be a complete loser in real life looking at his past posts. Who has that much time on their hands week in and week out to post so little of substance and just wind people up for no reason at all?
  4. There isn’t any feud. They started picking on me and ganging up on me after I challenged them on a few posts so they got it back. I’m not taking any crap off recreational drinkers and keyboard warriors. I’m quite happy reading these boards rather than commenting most days. But if they want to start throwing it around I’m not the sort of person to back down. This Forum is pretty awful to be honest. It’s full of dysfunctional people who obviously have no power or control in their real lives living out drunken online fantasies that they’re important. That’s pretty much it.
  5. Insufferable? Most of the posters on here seem to be frustrated late middle aged men who have a clear problem with alcohol abuse most evenings I’d say from their boring and repetitive ranting posts. They are very insufferable indeed. I don’t really care what you think of my posts on that basis as it’s hardly worth posting on here and I do so very infrequently. It seems that there is a really awful clique of posters (who in all likelihood are probably the same poster anyway) who just don’t like to hear alternative views to their own. I’ve made a few hundred posts here in total and yet it seems that for years people have had to wade through the thousands and thousands of Neil Down’s and Dilligaf’s angry boring shitposts. They’re just behaving like children as someone is prepared to push back on their pathetic posts.
  6. Have you registered an account purely to generate some much needed PR for her?
  7. Perhaps you should just be nicer? You’re only getting back what you dish out knobhead.
  8. You appear to be at least 4 posters on here all talking the exact same complete nonsense.
  9. I looked at IOM News and Politics today. He got one like for his silly Blog post on there after about 14 hours of the post being up. So I’d say he doesn’t have any support there either. The only difference being that there is a rumour the everyone who doesn’t support him on there has been banned by James Corrin. Unlike here perhaps where people are still able to express some sort of opinion on the subject?
  10. It looks to me that you and all your other accounts are just about the only poster on here.
  11. It does. The man is an absolute embarrassment. To himself as well as the people who voted for him. Hiw sober are you at this stage Big Norm?
  12. I was looking forward to receiving my card. Not too shiney I hope. Nice paper and super absorbent. Just like last year.
  13. He does really look like Benny. He also seems to often roll his shirt sleeves up to look like a demented Morris Dancer as well. The voice really surprised me coming through the radio though. I’d say he needs some media training to not come across as someone who might have special needs.
  14. I was listening to him on the radio today and I have to say that for a school teacher and someone I thought should be clever and well spoken he does sound like a bit of a mong really. Is he getting any media training like the others have had? It’s a bit like listening Benny off Crossroads trying to explain quantum physics to a cat.
  15. Women end up needing an abortion in a variety of circumstances. Maybe you’d be better spending your money just telling women not to have sex with men? That’s where most religious barmpots allocate educational funding isn’t it?
  16. Says angry man who uses a fake persona on an Internet forum
  17. He looks like he’s definitely wrestling with an uncomfortable turtles head in that picture.
  18. It’s probabky less harmful than all the sugar they put in coke.
  19. He should get a life maybe?
  20. Like most of yours I’m sure, Go to bed P*** You’re quite sad really. There’s always Facebook where everyone knows who you are anyway.
  21. Or perhaps there is a gut of old posters who seem to not want to be challenged on any of the nonsense they post? Looks to me that this forum needs new posters to grow the user base and to widen the ideas and opinions posted. But then again there’s always Facebook for people who want to post under their own names?
  22. Look at yourself in the mirror P*** As the Teapot said the main issue on here seems to be sad twats like you and Dilligaf who seem to think that what you post on here has any value at all. You largely appear to be a handful of aging internet saddo’s filling in time to me. At least others seem to take it all as a bit of a pisstake and some banter and not act like sad angry bell ends every time whatever idiotic thing they have said is challenged by anyone else. You clearly think you’re very important indeed and demand to be taken seriously despite the rubbish you post. Which is clearly why you’re on Manx Forums all day when everyone else has things to do and people to meet. As for Dilligaf if he has now flounced off maybe he should continue to make his drunken outbursts and threats under his own name on Facebook. That might be interesting. At least you don’t do that and your posts elsewhere are generally as retarded as the ones you make on here.
  23. No I’m not I have nothing to do with any of those idiots. It is obvious to me though which of those idiots think they are posting anonymously on here when they’re not. I would have though Dilligaf would have known better to be honest but he really seems to have hit the booze since the rally was cancelled and taken it out on people on here rather than on there under his real name. Wonder why? BTW I’m clearly not p3t3 either P*** you downer.
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