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  1. Must try harder. My opinions and values are mine alone.
  2. What protection? And there's a great deal more to becoming a pariah than being an isolationist.
  3. Greater than 40% rubber boat criminals are now coming from Albania. Source various and not just UK MSM. Edited to add check out various Social Media sites including a number of Tik Toc "adverts" promoting and giving details of support services for Albanians to utilise to break into the UK.
  4. I'd not hesitate to tear up a great many international conventions that are of no value to the UK and are in fact positively detrimental to the best interests of the UK. And no, not Priti Patel but much closer always assuming "Woody2" is or was a male.
  5. Keep in mind that Amazon is both a retailer and also a Marketplace place used by suppliers in their own right. We've found that in the case of suppliers using the Amazon Marketplace delivery dates usually exceed those by Amazon Prime.
  6. Firstly you're out of date, secondly the UK should not be providing asylum to anyone who has travelled to the UK via a country in which they are in no need of asylum such as France or for that matter any EU member state.
  7. That means nothing to me. Care to explain please?
  8. Facts, like information, are derived from analysis of data.
  9. Certainly some Daily Mail journalists are talking down the Johnson performance and being supported by Johnson fans but I'm not. As for Miller and Bercow I have my own opinion about that pair and how they played and it's far from being complimentary.
  10. And that's the BIG problem. The UK government have singularly failed to deliver what had been promised from ending Rubber Boat people to ending the Ulster treason that May signed up to. Gina Miller and Bercow really poisoned the well and conservative MPs plus their handlers have turned a very difficult situation much worse than it should have been and the awful mismanagement of the covid pandemic just made a difficult situation very much worse. As for the adoption of furloughing rather than redundancy, well there's probably the basis of a good number of doctoral dissertations in that alone.
  11. Now you more than others should know better than try to play THAT card!
  12. Not enough space to answer. There are so many examples etc. but we'll get there in the end.
  13. John Major relinquished UK sovereignty when he signed Maastricht. I do wonder where BREXIT leaves the Island though in view of its relationship with the UK. That's not yet been tested in court but it might be amusing when it eventually is.
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