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The Dog's Dangly Bits

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Everything posted by The Dog's Dangly Bits

  1. You might as well ask for an opinion on Eddie Izzard though. It's about as relevant.
  2. To be fair in the sort of tournament held at the Palace recently, whilst Pool can and is played by a number of people of all shapes and sizes, you would be surprised how mentally challenging it is to play over perhaps a 15 hour day. Like anything really. Many people in these types of events (and Darts would be another example) are taking things more seriously these days. Where money is involved, over time, it will change the way people approached the sport or game. Golf is a good example of this. Snooker another. Darts perhaps changing over time. The darts festival here is one of the main events outside of the world championships on the BDO circuit.
  3. Very good feedback from the players on the venue and the whole weekend in general.
  4. How many crashes have Flybe had? I suppose in the course of many flights you do get problems. Also with the unbearable health and safety lot nosing all the time you have a situation where everything is reported when in reality most of non events.
  5. The new guy in charge is making some positive changes so I'm told.
  6. What a delusional and silly point of view. The competition brought a couple of hundred people to the island and we should be thankful for opportunities to promote visiting the island. It is pencilled in for next year I believe and again that can only be a good thing. The days of attracting 1950s numbers of visitors are gone. Smaller events grow to become larger events. And introduce people to the island. It is governments job to invest and the investment here was not substantial really. How does it make the island look stupid? I'm genuinely intrigued to know. Darts, bowls, pool, chess - none are 'sports' but there isn't any reason why they cannot increase visitors to the island.
  7. Why would they? You park on the promenade etc at your own risk. It would simply be up to the owner to claim on their insurance.
  8. That's not exclusive to the island though right? Why dont you step up?
  9. What was reckless about it? There was a MDF that invested in media development. It lost 16m (before taking into account any indirect benefit outside the MDF). Which bit was reckless?
  10. https://www.gov.im/news/2019/apr/09/isle-of-man-ferry-terminal-in-liverpool-receives-planning-consent/
  11. Well i didn't know. So I had a look and when I look at that company it appears to be a privately owned company that, on the face of it, isn't a subsidiary company of Peel Holdings?
  12. Why? Alex Allinson probably is. What makes you say the same for Chris Thomas?
  13. Has it? Have you got a link? What's caused the escalation if the contract for build is already fixed? Has the price of the land changed?
  14. Well the contract was awarded after a tender process so one assumes the price being paid is there or thereabouts.
  15. Yes but you couldn't offset a charitable donation to tax specifically against the expense money because it is tax free already?
  16. How would they work in reality with MHKs etc in an environment when hardly any of them can hugely influence numbers?
  17. What is really being avoided though? Governments make investment into things all the time. That's the job of government. Many of those things lose money but in the bigger picture perhaps serve a purpose in the economy. Look at HS2 in the UK. That wont ever repay the investment in terms of contracts rail companies will pay to operate it. Nowhere near. The biggest mistake of the MDF was Orson Wells. That was poor. Not sure a witch hunt about it will resolve much?
  18. Not at all. I was under the impression the MDF made that investment? In which case you cant conveniently ignore anything that made a profit and just focus on everything that lost money. The net position of the MDF was a 16m loss. In the wider picture, as Woolley points out, the involvement in that sector netted the coffers plenty more than 16m quid. Of course there will always be the traditional manx witch hunt where some parties will be jealous people made some money out of it. But what's new there?
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