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Out of the blue

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Everything posted by Out of the blue

  1. I have just walked down Strand St and they must be expecting the MF rabble. Patrol cars at either end and an armed response vehicle circulating with lights on and officers fully geared up.
  2. Chasing elimination is going to get very irritating, as it appears that any slip with this Kent variant spawns a new case. Given the exit plan timeframe, vaccination program and a general unwillingness by many to go into a lockdown as strict as last year, we are unfortunately going to have to put up with some restrictions and hopefully released from lockdown, or else we will be resetting the clock repeatedly for a bloody long time. Can you imagine today’s case coming after two weeks with no unknown cases, it will be like slow torture. I really do hope that we get no more unknown cases and normality resumes, but the pragmatic side of me says let’s just get on with it. If we don’t, I suspect Barlow nerves will be in shreds after several more ‘resets’ 😉.
  3. I am treasurer for a small club. These charges would make a massive dent in our modest finances. We will be closing our account as soon as possible. This is probably what IoM Bank want, to get rid of the non lucrative accounts, well they will get their wish. The problem will be finding a better alternative, especially if the other banks follow suit. It is a very sad situation and the timing stinks.
  4. Fair points re. warmth and touching., makes sense. Personally I find them uncomfortable over a long period, but as I said live and let live. I will ignore the personal insult 😘
  5. I am sure that this has been commented on before but I am amazed by the amount of people wearing masks outdoors, on their own, in a gale. Quite bizarre, but hey ho, live and let live, just a little strange, and par for the course in a strange year.
  6. You are probably right, their risk appetite is going to be less, but I hope those people who rely on continuity of service for their business whether it be retail, hospitality or construction will be reminding them that on/off restrictions are no way to progress. How long do you envisage this hair trigger uncertainty may go on for, a week, a month, six months, another year? I want my children educated properly, to return to sports and I am personally opposed to circuit breakers once the vulnerable are vaccinated in full.
  7. The only addendum I would like to add to the above, is that at the moment the usual checks and balances when it comes to law making ‘feel’ as if they have been watered down to the point that they are impotent. In a UK context if you hold a different opinion on the restrictions being imposed, you struggle to find an influential voice (yesterday’s extension to the UK emergency powers as an example). The main stream media, or indeed the parties of opposition do not appear to question anything. It is not surprising that people who hold other view push back. I do not condone law breaking, or necessarily agree with this chaps methods and assertions, but I understand the frustration felt by many.
  8. Good news, and I note also that the final batch of phase 1 letters is to be mailed out by the 29th March which is encouraging.
  9. Covid and the restrictions that have been imposed, were always going to polarise society and tend to exaggerate many peoples inner libertarian, or authoritarian tendencies. Personally I do not have any major issue if people want to swim in such a manner, however if people object and report it to the authorities, the police are obliged to deal with the matter. The officers that I know are not unreasonable, and I feel genuine sympathy with their predicament. Blanket, restrictions that take away peoples basic civil liberties are always going to be problematic and create push back with regards to interpretation and exploration of the limits, and although I can understand and tolerate the current restrictions, I am glad that people still do question things.
  10. I am not a big fan of the Daily Mail, but in this instance the content is unusually balanced, more so than the BBC for example. It states the headlined statistics, but in the body of the article it explains quite clearly the counter arguments to the inferred headlines stance.
  11. Sorry 365 - confusing it with the cycle shop. Given we cannot really fly or go into office receptions anymore, you do wonder how many have read it.
  12. You are probably right regarding not liking Comins interpretation of mitigation and living with the virus, as my version of these scenarios would likely be very different to HQ and DA's.
  13. I was surprised, given that his comments represent a significant departure from the previous mantra of vaccinating the old and vulnerable being the key, and that now he is bringing the under 50's into the equation, represents a massive moving of goalposts, that another journo didn't follow up on this line of questioning. He was clearly caught cold and struggling, it was a fine opportunity for one of them to extract some honesty out of HQ.
  14. The Business 360 question regarding if Comin had considered aligning our exit plan to the UK's appeared to catch HQ out, he stumbled and bumbled, but spluttered out something along the lines that vaccination of the over 50's and above may not be enough to protect our NHS, so may require all adults to be vaccinated before our borders are opened up. If I heard him correctly, this does seem to be another shifting of the goal posts, although it would explain why we seen to be the only ones with an Autumn opening up date.
  15. Quite right, buses are bloody dangerous, stay safe
  16. If we only listen to scientists we will be in a perpetual ‘safe’’ state, I dearly hope not. Risks are part of life.
  17. I heard the briefing and Dr Ewart's remark, there is no contradiction. To aim for elimination by mid April is a reasonable aim (it is preferable to start from a low base) if you plan to pivot to mitigation a few weeks later in May, as stated in the exit plan. The vaccinations are being pushed to allow for the distinct possibility that elimination cannot be achieved by then. Not being a member of Comin this obviously isn't gospel, please tell your friend it is just my take on the situation. It is worth noting, that I loved living in a non-covid environment, but grudgingly acknowledge and accept that mitigation is coming in some form very soon.
  18. Off topic, but what upsets me is the amount of discarded disposable masks I see in the hospital grounds and car park. What is wrong with these people.
  19. Not condoning it, just pointing out their potential rationale, in that they may have wanted to be arrested
  20. The speed limit was one of the most contentious issues during lockdown 1. I recall it felt like a time in which time every government department seemed to feel that they had to come up with some petty, annoying rule or ban e.g. bonfire ban. All it did was irritate many people, who complained bitterly to their MHK's, serving only to distract from the main message. We are in lockdown 3, and heading for the phased exit form a known virus and with facilities in place. Different times, different measures required.
  21. There are people whose lives are so chaotic and empty that Jurby represents a bed, three daily meals and like minded company. Much better than being alone in the filthy bedsit with an empty fridge. They do not care if they go inside, and in this case maybe hoped for that outcome.
  22. There is nothing wrong with going out to exercise, just keep your distance, follow hygiene rules etc. It is good for body and mind (much better than staying in a room with Netflix). I would add that doing extreme downhill etc at the moment is not responsible, if only because their actions if injured may lead to the current freedoms being curtailed.
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