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Everything posted by Lilly

  1. I'm glad you have posted this information. I'm 3 to 4 years off my pension but l will set up a reminder to contact them earlier.
  2. Thank you so much for your reply. What is sad is l'm not really that surprised.
  3. l misunderstood some of your post and thought the implementation of new system costs would fall to existing rate payers. Thank you for the clarification.
  4. Thank you, Roger. That was really interesting informative reading, l certainly think it gave an insight into a reasonable request to look at the 25% discount income-related. JW point out in a previous post the massive implementation cost, which would be passed on to remaining rate payers, l would strongly object to as younger people are struggling financially, especially those with families. I would like to suggest that maybe we should do the right thing; Kopek suggested we should in a previous post too, especially if it was based on age related and income-based. I myself fall into the low-income based category, so l have to use my depleting savings to pay my rates bill of nearly £2000. I would also like to ask; What are our elected MHKs actually doing about this? Is this a hot potato topic?
  5. Your last sentence is actually very accurate. l think if you look at younger workers, they are struggling financially. are really struggling. There are some extremely well-off pensioners here, some are not so well off. We live in an "l'm alright, Jack" society, most of those people don't really care about anyone else.
  6. He is nearly 6. Weight a trim 51 kilos now after losing almost 6 kilo. Ah! See what your getting at 6 x 7 = 42 years. No good, is it!
  7. Actually, everything is relative isn't it?
  8. You have a good point Kopek but l think it's implementation costs they appear massive.
  9. I think that puts a different view on my initial comment. It's probably unlikely to proceed due to the massive implementation costs.
  10. Lucky you l've got a few years to wait, l'm especially looking forward to a bus pass, l wonder if my dog will qualify too? I'm only joking.
  11. I didnt realise that. So in the present rate charges, it would put up everyone else's rates? I'm not sure l would be happy with passing the burden on to other households, especially at this time with rising cost of living. Thank you for the information.
  12. I only counted 2, Who is 3rd one? Ah! Sorry just realised 😅
  13. Thank you, Numbnuts. Well that's what census says!
  14. Sorry my post crossed over with yours. Good points. I find it hard to comprehend that our voted-in MHKs dont seem to know about single occupancy regarding rates charged. Maybe they do and would rather keep the revenue in the coffers than the 2.9 million they might lose through a 25% discount on single occupancy. It maybe worth noting that some of the poorest councils of the Uk give such discounts but not on 2nd home ownership.
  15. Why? What about widows, widowers, single people on low incomes, etc.?
  16. I suppose you might presume that it effects mostly fairly young single occupants living in apartments in full-time occupation. I would like to challenge that view if that is the conclusion. The census would give more accurate picture.
  17. Lots more than you think. 12,158.
  18. Lilly

    Broadband iom.

    Thank you for the information. It looks like l could have the Ring security on Mifi.
  19. Lilly


    Apologies for the late response. Yes, it can be a bit tedious when you are constantly asked to consider if this may be a scam. My point was l think more could be done to stop these people impersonating Banks, etc.
  20. Lilly

    Broadband iom.

    Piggyback, how can you do that onto nearby WiFi?
  21. Lilly

    Broadband iom.

    That's interesting. When my daughter's neighbours were burgled, the police asked my daughter for camera footage, which did extend to public roads and pavements in her village. Thank you, Dave, for the information. l'm sure the property opposite me is using Ring Doorbell, which covers their vans which covers their work vehicles parked outside my house on a public road
  22. Does anyone know if l need broadband with a fixed landline to install a ring doorbell? Or is there an alternative? My daughter thinks l can just buy data using a toggle and plug in box? APOLOGIES if this is in the wrong section.
  23. I think that was a wonderful time. l was just a teenager then. Your last comment made me smile. 😊
  24. Lilly


    Yes, well but it's not the joker/nothing is my fault character we are trying to protect, is it? It's vulnerable people, although apparently it doesn't seem age-related for the scammers. You are correct; education is key, but do people actually listen? The phone company's and the banks could do more to protect us from these unsavoury characters.
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