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Everything posted by Lilly

  1. Lilly


    Does the reporting text scam number 7726 work on the island? tried blocking them but no number accompanies texts.
  2. When l paid for a family funeral across, l was surprise when asked if l had a Co-op membership card. I actually got back over £100 in points.
  3. That's brilliant. Thank you 😊
  4. I object to your assumptions about people with low incomes, l myself am on very a low income; l support myself and expect no handouts. I have worked all my life. l was 12 years old when l started working at the weekend. Yes, there are always some who work the oracle, but l think you may find that's true across all income earners.
  5. Lilly


    That's good advice to follow. To date, I have never had any fraudulent activity on my account. I do wonder how long this will last, as some people l know have had some.
  6. Lilly


    Yes, thank you, l didn't realise the scheme didn't extend to the isle of man. I myself am very security-conscious, and l often wonder how people fall for such obvious scams.
  7. Lilly


    I disagree slightly with your 1st paragraph, l think they are being pressured to take more responsibility for scams. I agree with you about educating customers via warnings text messages.
  8. Lilly

    Firm closing

    The lady who ran it before the shed people was exactly as you have described above. You could get amazingly homemade cake and hot beverages for two for under a tenner. The rent was fairly low from what I remember, probably not dissimilar to what was quoted above; no improvements had been made to the shack whilst she was there, as far as l recall. I do wonder why the powers that be have to complicate everything.
  9. Lilly


    This actually made me laugh. l got a text from a bank warning about romance scams. It was a warning about using online dating, etc. It would be interesting to hear if everyone has received this warning or if they have used data to target individuals Just for clarification, l have never used such a site. I do wonder if the banks are being more proactive due to the fact they have to refund you now.
  10. This artwork reminds me of when l emptying my late parents house. The house was full of photographs of years gone by. In the photos and paintings, they were frame by that very exact shape; its very familiar shape used throughout the last century up to today. Not sure about the spherical addition? it will be your own thoughts. I think it's quite interesting very simplistic. It may awaken people's memories, but of course that will depend on your view.
  11. Lilly


    Yes,l received this too yesterday in my post. I thought it might be a scam. Was l wrong? l wasn't sure what the message was actually about within it. It landed in my shredding pile very quickly.
  12. Thank you. I quite like the idea of landing my own lobster🦞. They are pesky little devil's, aren't they? Soon, nip off fingers.
  13. Actually, l've wondered about residents being entitled to a lobster pot or two? The only problem is, do they have to be brought in daily? I'm not sure my sea swimming skills are good enough. I'm only joking; l do have access to a boat
  14. I know a couple of ladies who are very near retirement age, but they have struggled to get other work. Some now work for Care agencies; they seem to enjoy the work and flexibility of the hours. One was a tutor in her previous life; she also does cleaning work. She is always happy and smiling.
  15. Lilly


    Maybe l need to check that out then, Albert. I just thought, probably wrongly, that it was the sudden rise in temperature. Thank you for alerting me to this.
  16. Lilly


    The Temperatures have noticeably risen this morning; l think it's 12 degrees. In fact, my dog's is shredding his coat again in rug-like clumps; he is extremely hairy, though. I was just wondering what the effect on livestock or wildlife might be.
  17. That was really informative, Quilp. Thank you. Some of that post surprise me.
  18. Your point regarding hoarding of medication is valid. Although I think most Doctors review patients meds on a regular basis, and if they don't, they should. I wonder if this type of waste cost is calculated anywhere.
  19. Thank you, Jarndyce. I'm sorry l missed that.
  20. There could also be a valid reason for a one-off prescription for paracetamol. But otherwise, l do agree, as its so cheap to buy. I did have a situation where it was necessary for a prescription to be written for paracetamol. So there may need to be exceptions.
  21. Lilly


    My spelling and grammar are not very good; I just write what l'm thinking in a reply to a post! Kopek has put it very well; it doesn't really matter that much, does it? As long as you get over your valid point of view!
  22. Lilly


    Thank you 😊.
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