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A fool and his money.....

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A fool and his money..... last won the day on September 17

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  1. Just admit you're wrong for once, you should be used to it by now. Are you seriously trying to remove the context of the entire discussion just because you've lost? Go and buy your fire. Goodnight yourself.
  2. The fact that you already have an electricity supply in your house means you're already paying the standing charge. If you go and buy an electric fire you'll still be paying the standing charge. They won't charge you again, they won't let you off the one you're already paying, it' ll stay exactly the same. What will change is the amount of units of electricity you use. We pay more for each unit of electricity than they do in the UK. I found that out by using the figures you provided but obviously don't understand. Therefore, your electric fire will cost you more to run here than it would in the UK. It really is that simple. I really don't see what you're struggling with.
  3. Go and buy your electric fire FFS. Sit there smug in front of it in the mistaken belief it costs you less to run than it would in the UK. You've provided the evidence yourself, you're just too thick to interpret it.
  4. You got that fire yet? Would you like me to deliver it for you? You'll be able to retire on the amount you save by using it.
  5. Yes, but this is the last time I'm doing this so read it carefully this time. You want to buy an electric fire - are you with me so far? It will work on electricity provided by the MUA. The unit price the MUA will charge you is higher than that charged in the UK. That means your electric fire will cost you more to run here than it would there. I'm loosing the will to live, go and buy the fucking fire!
  6. Do you? I already told you, go and buy your electric fire. I couldn't really give a shit if you're too thick to realise you'll be paying more to run it than you would in the UK.
  7. Oh right, so they're not going to become illegal then?
  8. I never log out. No nothing, I agree with all of it. Go and buy your electric fire, you'll be quids in.
  9. Oh Christ here we go, more pearls of wisdom incoming. Go on then, why are log burners soon going to be illegal?
  10. So, I've been out for a slap up three course lunch, couple of pints, long walk round to see some family, nice snooze for an hour and a half - and you're still here carrying on with yourself, still without a clue what you're talking about, still completely misinterpreting the statistics you have supplied. Here's what you should do. Go and buy your electric fire, knock yourself out. Then you can sit there in front of it in the smug and completely mistaken belief that you are paying less to run it than most people in the UK.
  11. Oh you're a carer now. Have they gone out and left you in charge of the cat? In answer to your two questions. 1) The MUA. 2) see answer to question 1. It's like pulling teeth! Off out for Sunday lunch now.
  12. Nope, try again. Don't you have a carer there that can help you or something?
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