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A fool and his money.....

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Everything posted by A fool and his money.....

  1. As far as I can remember, when there was all the fuss about it not coming, it pays it's own way.
  2. Your usual positive outlook on life then.😁
  3. I work in construction and have done for many years. Generally the TT is good for construction, apart from extra work associated with it, it's traditional for pretty much everyone in construction to have the week off, which is more efficient than different people having a week off in dribs and drabs. As for the bank holiday, I've absolutely no doubt there is a cost to the economy - but then we have one for no better reason than it being early May, or late August, at least this one serves some purpose. One thing you are ignoring though is the cultural importance of the races to the island. Motorcycle road racing is a huge part of the history, culture and folklore of the island and has been longer than anyone can remember. It brings tourists from far further afield than would otherwise be the case and is an important part of the island's identity. It's part of what makes the island what it is. Not only that, it's played an important role in the history and development of motorcycling and continues to be revered amongst bikers the world over. It's significance is sometimes wasted on people whose only concern is well established road closures.
  4. No, I know nothing but felt the need to call out someone who also knows nothing but claimed differently.
  5. I think generally the impact of the TT on businesses is very positive. There will be some that suffer maybe. Marown TV maybe? I'm sure I remember them abandoning the senior one wet Friday because they couldn't run it on the Saturday a few years ago - that may have been different in recent years though. I agree with you generally, but there's no doubt the new schedule is a bit more disruptive for people living on the course though. Other than that it's worked very well so far.
  6. Although still no evidence or a single person to corroborate it, strange that. I met a fella who swore to me the world was flat once, with similar evidence to back it up. I didn't believe him either.
  7. Yes for many years. I think Roger is more referring to mad Sunday and the Saturday after the Senior Race day holiday. I can quite see this additional disruption is significant if you live on or inside the course.
  8. I don't think he's assuming a lot from pub talk at all. He's perfectly obviously made the whole thing up which is why he's never produced any a single shred of evidence to support it. In fact now he's taking his fantastical claims even further and claiming we paid for Dan's TAS Suzuki ride - again no evidence, no corroboration - just bullshit. It just shows the integrity of the rest of his argument, all made up to make it sound better. He's probably moved here and bought a house on the course out of season without doing any research - but now is outraged by the death (although still outraged this year) and by the government paying for locals to have factory rides ( despite the FOI act and complete lack of evidence).
  9. Typical frothy mouthed nonsense full of unsubstantiated, fantasy claims. So the taxpayer paid Honda £100k for Nathan Harrison's ride, what a load of crap, clutching at straws now. Would this be the same Honda that supply 9 or 10 brand new fire blades @£25k a pop for the travelling marshalls each year completely free? Or that have supported the event for over 50 years?
  10. Didn't take long for the faux safety outraged alter egos to derail the thread again. Not happy If someone dies, not happy if they don't. I guess either way it closed the roads.
  11. Did it disrupt you much in Essex?
  12. Fair play to you. You dislike the increased disruption of the new schedule while acknowledging it may improve safety. You have my respect and make some valid points.
  13. Indeed, come back when the strength of your convictions don't need a moveable smoke screen to hide them.
  14. You should try quoting the correct answer to the corresponding question, rather than creating a mash up to try and make yourself look clever, with your usual ad hominem thrown in at the end. Your constant avoidance of grown up debate on the subject belies the lack of integrity in your argument. I tried to debate the safety rationale of delays with you yesterday (which you had claimed were demonstrably not about safety) but you didn't want to know and preferred to quip about Razzle magazine instead of any actual demonstration. You're lack of integrity makes you impossible to argue with.
  15. I didn't say it was you ( you must have imagined that). What I said about you was that you avoid meaningful debate, which remains true.
  16. Yes that's exactly the same isn't it?
  17. Yes ofcourse, nothing to do with people complaining about the "death race" spending two weeks on here constantly complaining about race delays and road closures, despite nobody dying. All a figment of my imagination.
  18. I'm not suggesting there hasn't been, just that it's not the primary motivation for some people's constant whinging about the event.
  19. I think the ad hominem responses tell you all you need to know about the integrity of the argument.
  20. Although it's demonstrated throughout these pages, not least by yourself. I've tried to engage you in meaningful debate at least once to no avail.
  21. Shouldn't be too hard for you to calm down and explain why then should it?
  22. As you have demonstrated so well with your eloquent and reasoned response.
  23. Yes exactly that, to allow them to see course conditions and to warm up ready for the race. It improves safety, which is what we're all concerned about remember.
  24. And there's the point. That's why some people don't like it, although they're not honest enough to admit it, they tend to focus on safety which they see as the least defensible aspect of it - although a lack of integrity invariably shines through in their rabid rants. What it boils down to is the TT closes the roads and sees tens of thousands of people enjoying themselves. That will always piss off a tiny minority of people off who will make up any old bollocks rather than admit they dislike road closures yet choose to live in the one place on earth they'll be most affected by them.
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