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Mr Penfold

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Everything posted by Mr Penfold

  1. You were you cunt, and your dickhead alter ego.
  2. The comments are deplorable.
  3. So very sad http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=65536 Vladimir Putin and his gas spike could shut down the swimming pool and now they need to go begging to the DESC. It’s a good job the NSC is on everyone’s rates so perhaps Ramsey will get a double whammy of paying for two sets of hot water.
  4. You really are the lowest individual on here by far. Sticking up for people mocking a child with autism. It isn’t even funny. In fact it’s brings a new dimension to trolling. That said I think someone found your drivers license on the pavement before and handed it in. Just give police HQ a bell to get it back.
  5. But then you seem to deliberately fail to see most things on this forum. There must be a permanent Nike swoosh hovering above your head. The councilor got in unopposed. Which says it all really. Now a totally unelected public official has the chance to deliver real damage to other peoples incomes through the adaptation of lazy and unpopular policies. If he is to stand for Keys next time around (which is clear) he should be aware that when it comes to populism he can probably out “Josem” Micheal Josem with all his insincere electric car and recycling rubbish. He’s just another talentless goon riding the green wave in order to milk public opinion while simultaneously pulling peoples pants down.
  6. Mr Penfold

    HQ FoI !

    Lots apparently. Someone told me he’s pretty big into cottaging.
  7. To be fair though most things seem to make you cross.
  8. More proof of the residual Covid madness exemplified by Tynwalds resident covid crackpot Tim Glover. One only hopes that Lord and Lady Whiteadder also only imbibed on tap water and raw turnip after having family round to their house for the first time in two years due to covid. FFS. Some people need to wake up and smell the coffee.
  9. Mr Penfold

    HQ FoI !

    I bet you’re wrong and the stockmans seen some action 😉
  10. It’s all soapbox politics at the end of the day and it’s all open for anyone to comment on, on any platform they choose. Presumably that’s why people put their ideas in the public domain in the first place. They want other people to comment on them otherwise why would you? It’s fine if you want a reputation as a wailing Twitter wally just don’t expect other people not to have a view on your state of mind or the paranoia you try to spread.
  11. That seems to be about it. A few people wanting to set the agenda on here. I was looking back up this thread. So many posters who don’t seem to be around anymore. Presumably blocked or banned for daring to question some of the raging covid loonies who fill these threads and who also splatter their ramblings all over Twitter? Or just given up swimming against the tide of madness? I was in a meeting the other day when one of the doomers Twitter activities were openly mocked. There’s plenty sniggering behind open hands.
  12. The only feeling I have is of pity. You’d do well to heed the above advice rather than advertising what a paranoid clown you are to 85,000 people.
  13. The truth hurts I suppose. I’m sick of seeing that absolute whopper wailing and crying all over Twitter. It is like watching someone have a long, slow, tortuous, breakdown over a couple of years. You wonder how his brain is ever going to go back to normal again when nobody cares about covid anymore. If I was him I’d delete my account and have a break and stop making myself look like such a dick.
  14. He’s a knob. It’s like watching someone’s two year long nervous breakdown in real time.
  15. I can’t see that it does that at all though. You’d have to sell almost every sub £350K house that comes up for sale on the IOM to make any money out of it. In the UK online agents have volume that simply doesn’t seem to exist here.
  16. How is it pioneering? If you’re already quite a large player (as I assume CG are) you’re basically just slashing your own earnings as presumably you won’t be taking that much business off anyone else. I had a look at the transactions above. It doesn’t really look like there’s enough sales PA to make much money out of it.
  17. This seems more like desperation measures rather than to stimulate demand. Or is it just proof that estate agents do shag all anyway as property on this island seems to sell itself? But there can’t be enough transactions below £350K to make any real money off £750 a sale. https://www.manxradio.com/news/isle-of-man-news/estate-agency-slashes-fees-on-sales-to-stimulate-market/
  18. Is he even a real person? I just assumed he was some angry knob who hid behind various stupid social media profiles in order to wind people up. I’ve never met anyone that angry / stupid at any local political event or meeting I’ve attended so I just assumed it was all a piss take.
  19. They exist. https://www.shetlandamenity.org/woodland-creation-and-management
  20. I wonder how many cats up trees they get to report on in a week?
  21. I think they have in this instance. Otherwise why do they need to run the best part of a whole page story saying what a great bloke the Chief Secretary is and how he wasn’t really charged with anything?
  22. So says IOM Newspapers http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=65318 Isn't it great when you get to write your own positive publicity after breaching someone’s human rights?
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