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Everything posted by manxy

  1. The CGI looks great and the storyline is plausible, but thats not the reason why the computers are going down and hundreds of sats going up. If you have access to the deep web or even more sinister places like the dark web, then you may know some parts of what I know as its something I briefly mentioned a while back. https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/7772276/uk-weather-forecast-met-office-warning-britain-storms-blackout/
  2. And another question - They say that the ISS was taken up in pieces and built while in orbit. Question being - Was it travelling at that speed (17,150mph) while they were building it and at what point did the ISS begin to travel at that speed?  My question (if you're able and no pressure if not) would be to ask as to how would they speed up from 0 to 17,150mph
  3. The ISS So what is the ISS? Well it's the International Space/swimming Station where the actornots are put through their training and where some of the action is conducted in purpose built swimming pools to resemble no gravity, but it's the bubbles that sway it for me and how they fly out from all areas and rise to the surface or maybe its things like a gallon of water that leaked into a space suit which nearly killed the poor guy! Still, some foolishly believe it’s ice particles and if anyone says that, then fool them and sad they’re even trying to fudge things. It’s said by those trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes, that they see the curvature in space, but for those who are better informed and not shills, people know by now that its all a con and that fish eyed lens are used as like the harnesses in space which make a mockery of anyone watching the actornots in their puppet scenes, or even the editing glitches during the live recordings which saw 3 actornots disappear as well as the stage props and other amazing magical disappearances of objects passing through actornots faces and necks without bloodshed! Farcical So lets look at the ISS which is situated 254 miles up from the earth’s surface which is supposed to be between the Mesosphere and the Exosphere and puts it into a place called the Thermosphere which is alleged to reach a temperature of up to 2,000C or 3,632 degrees F. The ISS is made up from 2219-T6 aluminium alloy and amazingly enough, the melting temperature for aluminum is 1,221 degrees F, the melting point of glass is 1,538 deg F, steel 2,750 deg F and titanium 3,034 degrees F which should mean that most of the components should have melted and proves that something does not add up here and the claims that what they are seeing is actually a 3D hologram. But we move on - The speed of sound is 768 miles per hour and a bullet is about twice the speed of sound and range from 1500 to 3600mph. The ISS travels at around 17,150mph or 5 miles per second. The circumference of the earth is supposed to be 24, 901 miles around and the ISS should make an orbit around the earth in around an hour and a half if its a globe or 90 minutes. Having watched many videos of the ISS casually and calmly appearing stationary as its supposed to be moving around earth, there’s absolutely no way that this is moving 17,150mph around the earth or 22 times the speed of sound. So what’s going on? Does anyone really believe that if the ISS is moving at 17,150mph or that anyone would be able to take a clear picture or video of it? Hmm! And another question - They say that the ISS was taken up in pieces and built while in orbit. Question being - Was it travelling at that speed (17,150mph) while they were building it and at what point did the ISS begin to travel at that speed? Maybe they have hidden thrusters, instead of the one that is known and not capable of reaching that speed and with this being the size of a football field and allegedly built up in pieces, how can something that size achieve such speed? Furthermore, one wonders as to how it avoids all this supposedly space debris whilst travelling at these break neck speeds? So all in all, it just doesn’t configure and these are the types of questions that others are now asking and a pattern is emerging of lies and deceit and you should question as to what other lies are being spread about? The truth is still out there and people need to question whats happening around the world, with the air we can still freely breathe at the moment, food we can eat without defects and the water we can still drink. Follow the money and you won't be far wrong. Up to you as to what to do next, but you might want to consider or prepare for the unusual, as its anticipated that things will be 'hotting up' in the near future.
  4. I look forward to the return pictures of the earth or is that classified, not enough film in the camera, batteries too low or something like that? Whatever and not your doing, but lets see what happens? I might be pleasantly surprised.. haha
  5. If you believe what NASA says, then enjoy your Disneyland. For those who know different, then it's only to be as expected and although I can understand people wanting and I mean really wanting to believe and adamantly accept what a Government agency has said, which is strange as no-one believes the Government to tell the truth, but there's so many cracks and unbelievable proof that they are lying, that the truth is coming out all over the world and people are not fools. They can see something not quite right and they can see that there's something wrong when hundreds and thousands of people can see another side to the story. So whats the truth? Government agencies spend millions of pounds to tell you the truth or say they do and so why spend millions on lies and mistruths? Surely they would tell us if something wasn't right, wouldn't they? Yeah, thats what I thought too! Believing in what you see and what is told is only believable if you are there. Having banana shaped water that bends round the earth is one of those questions that ball earthers try to conceal and have you noticed that whatever is said, they will ALWAYS use terms like stupid or idiotic? A bit harsh wouldn't you say or is this what HAS to be said in order to convince others that they are wrong to follow anything else but the golden words of wisdom that Politicians advise? We all know water doesn't bend. We all know that if you use a strong enough telescope, then you will see the other side, but the shills/government paid informers and those pinky followers of brainless wanderers will continue to spread their evil lies but true researchers will see past the test of those who shout obscenities or ridicule and see the open truth of what is out there and who we are. Enjoy your research and don't let those small minded fools who have no option to write slander, lies and backward comments as you will see after I write this affect your judgement. The difference between me and them is that I'm saying 'Go and look, go and research' while their approach will be completely different and either they will use the old con of 'follow and watch this video or they will just speak a load of twaddle as 'accepted' over countless years before gravity was not what it seemed to be. See for yourself as to whats really out there. You don't need 'THEM' to give you approval of what you can view There are many sites out there and some will be fake and some for example like secureteam10 will try and work out strange occurrences and try to come up with rational reasons as to what it or who they are. Whatever you do, enjoy your free time, use your senses to see, feel and hear whats about you and enjoy life and the quietness of the moment instead of the sharp hollow words of a troll and its forked tongue like that of a snake or lizard
  6. I see that I missed Bobbie Bobster's comment as I have him on ignore as well - Oh dear, never mind and what I can't see can't hurt me and even if I could, it wouldn't be of any importance and he probably used wording that would put him on the trolls puppet pay roll, but hey ho, I saw nothing. I do hope it wasn't a genuine fact that wasn't troll type stuff, but it's Bobbie and virtually guaranteed that it would be of no importance Unfortunately and against publics passed on knowledge from scientists, NO experiment can detect earths motion and the last experiments were done in the 1800's and one in particular - The Michelson-Morley experiment in 1887. Basically, they used light beams to measure whether the earth was moving and they found that there was NO MOVEMENT. We are informed that the earth has to be moving at 30k per second to complete its annual revolution, but as said before, they found that it wasn't moving.
  7. I don't know what he said as I have him on ignore and must say - he talked nothing of any consequence anyway and the place is a much nicer place without him. If he had any factual evidence, then he could always show them to you Paul, but I gather he's not and one wonders why any person keeps following this thread if they dislike it or if participating of sorts, you'd expect some common sense or logic in either proving his facts or disproving ours? So why do it? Not my call but I'm sure other people have made their minds up about him and regardless of whatever other peoples conclusions are, all I'm going to say is that I'm not going to stoop down to his level as that would make me as bad as him, so I ignore and apparently that hurts trolls the worst. Anyway - did man go to the moon? I can only theorise, but it was noted that none of the first astronauts on the moon would place their hands on the bible and swear that they went there and certainly one was offered a large sum of money to go to charity if he did so. Not sure why they wouldn't do that as the simple option would be to swear on the bible and clear it up. Why the mystery?
  8. I could show you a picture of a missile hitting the sun which you will never ever see on TV (but I won't) or the confusing picture of the sun that is supposed to be a distant object of over 2 million miles away, but is still able to cast a sun glow onto water as like that of a lamp, (but I won't) or the sun beneath clouds etc and the reason is that people will need to figure things out for themselves and they can choose to accept the information of people who consistently abuse others with an aim to discourage people away from the real reason of what its all about, or they can do some research and who knows, maybe they can eventually see whats happening on the deep web?
  9. NASA pics again on one of their 'real life' mini orbiters.
  10. You just got to love Jupiter and the green object is approx the size of the earth if viewed from a less close up of the picture. Maybe it's just a fly on the screen or a pizza delivery van passing by China?
  11. Which US Agency edited Mars?
  12. One amazing picture. Thanks CH
  13. Thought you might be interested in these. Goodness knows what the bus is doing?
  14. Took a while to get it into focus
  15. Spot on Andy. Wouldn't it be good if the shareholders were the public and the profits went to the public (the many) instead of big eyed gollums (the few)
  16. I saw this link The electric suppliers perspective is to make more money for shareholders. One way of doing this according to the article is to incorporate 'Surge Pricing' where they charge householders more for using electric at peak times. Thing is, didn't we have an abundance of energy and shouldn't they be paying off the debt instead of adding additional costs to 'their' company at the expense of 'our' household budgets? I did like this NOT FOR PROFIT link
  17. It would be great to see close up photo's of the moon without the NASA edits so that we can see the aliens buildings there.
  18. You mean next to the sat dishes which are covered by cctv? Don't know, but it wasn't me. Its not for me to say whether it happened by person or other means and I'm just putting it out there and if you're sceptical, then fine and if you're not, then thats also fine. Too much information is hid these days and while we fight inwardly amongst ourselves, a bigger threat to our survival may be only round the corner
  19. Interesting old stuff. Do you accept the information as plausible or not?
  20. As long as immigration are on top of things, then we'll be fine or they'll be giving Starwash a run for their money if they come over here
  21. Unless its got the seal of nasa on it, I doubt that you would believe it although Maurice Ewing from nasa might have something to say on the hollowness of the moon as it apparently rang like a bell for half an hour when the lunar module crashed into the moon in 1969. This confirmed by a couple of William Bowie winners and also a Nobel prize winner. I presume you know of Shapiro who won the Einstein, Kulper prizes including another William Bowie award and a person with your connections will undoubtedly manage to speak to him first hand. I'd say that the moon is an interesting topic, don't you?
  22. So says Irwin Shapiro from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
  23. The Moon Bigger than it should be, older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. And probably not made out of cheese either!
  24. I think Travelodge has picked a prime spot. Whether this will be a kick in the teeth for shops currently along Strand St, then we'll have to wait and see
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