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  1. JohnSmithBda


    I would like a PATI request of ALL staff in planning&building control employees, request for their proof of their formal professional qualifications. I'm sure there would be a similarity to many of the unlicensed tractor drivers roaming the roads. Civil Service - epitome of protectionism.
  2. Absolutely not - the greener the better. I've no probs eating raw red meat either.
  3. Last thing I'd eat seeing all those dogs and the sewer drains out there.
  4. don't forget, counting the defined BENEFIT pensions they milk from us.
  5. Being MHK, MLC or senior CS... is by their own choice.... if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. You (MHK, MLC etc) made the conscious choice to voluntarily become a representative of the people (and get a guaranteed pension!), then you should be in the same boat as the rest of us.
  6. Yeah, but you can pay £1100/hr for private tomorrow.
  7. Most posters on this site are nobs!
  8. How on earth can you celebrate a flight to Malaga when they can't even get domestic flights right????????????
  9. Was bad today, well, certainly not good. Must thank Manx Utilities truck/van MMN 799T for NOT displaying any rear lights in the pea soup fog... well done MU truck/van MMN 799T And the other drivers who refuse to use lights in the fog, especially in Douglas.... seems to be a disease .... SOS disease.... Stuck On Stupid!
  10. Actually, I've heard, not had to pay, but heard that night rides from Douglas to Ramsey can be £40+.
  11. Some appointments require the patient to go into the "big smoke".... but explain the appointment letter(s) being sent a day or two before the appointment. Surely there's some correlation? (edit: and I say that because I have faith in (certainly my) postal delivery to be very timely.)
  12. I missed mine - I received the letter of the appointment 3hrs before it was scheduled.... and I was away! How insolent can the local NHS be? People need some fair warning/advance notice. And, no wonder Ramsey is is the worst - it's the most awkward (for better word) to get to Douglas, especially for those who rely on others to take them. No, it's the GPs (and/or their schedulers) that should shoulder most of the blame.
  13. Take your steak over to the veg area, scan it as carrots! Lose-win! I feel silly for not ever tried it myself.
  14. Hey, I resemble that comment!
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