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Everything posted by Declan

  1. The answer is correct. (I admit to cheating with New Brighton Tower - but Chesterfield Town resigned in 1909) New Brighton and New Brighton Tower were different teams. Chesterfield Town - Here & Here. say they weren't re-elected in 1909.
  2. New Brighton weren't re-elected, however, New Brighton Tower resigned. Chesterfield Town weren't re-elected either
  3. Was it the league positions at the point when the football was suspended for the start of WWII - so 1939-40 season.
  4. A London XI drew 2-2 with Barcalona in the first leg of the Final of the Inter-City Fairs Cup, the second leg was lost 6-0.
  5. Steve Finnan has also played in the Champions League and World Cup. I wouldn't have guessed the fourth.
  6. 1. Ricardo Carvalho 2. Swindon Town
  7. The quotation marks are not needed and are intended to belittle me. Please treat me with respect, if you don't insult me, I won't insult you. So until you apologise I will not withdraw my comment. I was replying to "I meant senior teams, as in football teams that any forum reader would recognise the name of when the question/answer was posted by a forum member, that's all." I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a forum member reading a thread about football, in the sports section, of an Isle of Man based forum to have heard the names of Manx football teams, but you clearly suggested otherwise. It is ages since I was last threatened by an internet hard man.
  8. Well I would have thought that a forum user on Manx Forums could be expected to know the names of Manx Football Teams. You started the "smart arse" comments by suggesting that a Manx football team was a junior team, I tried to make allowences for you but your are clearly an arrogant cunt. BTW Mark Lawrenson
  9. Corinthians also have senior teams. I think he is using the Scottish distinction of Senior and Junior Leagues. Rather than the destinction used in the civilized world where the difference is age. However, 2000 World Club Champions were Corinithians of Brazil, who I guess would meet any definition of senior you can come up with.
  10. Won't this just encourage people to start rubbish threads about restaurants and cafes?
  11. A bloke in the pub told me that M&S are supposed to let you through at any time. I suppose a night watchman could let you through, but since it's quicker to go past Havana I doubt antone has tried it.
  12. According to Suspect Package it was Uncle Mike the Fast Food Pioneer (Scroll to track 11) who introduced Poutine to the Island.
  13. But was the thought in the back of their minds "he stood up to those so-and-so's"?
  14. Would respectfully disagree. It is entirely proper that exceptional people who have given their time in the service of others should be recognized for their efforts. Sorry I didn't explain myself well, I didn't mean that exceptional charity workers shouldn't be honoured. I meant that too often it is handed out for services to XYZ and to Charity. This is bullshit, honour the foremost writers, musicians and sportsmen because they are the foremost in their fields, but don't do it for their charity work. This is particularly true with Rock Stars, if Paul McCartney is worthy of a knighthood it is because of what he's achieved through his music, not because of his animal rights work. What happens is middling musicians (Cliff, Elton etc) get put on the same level or higher as the ones who truly made a difference by opening a few faits and bashing out a tune at a funeral.
  15. Well I for one would. But it isn't McEwan getting it, even though McEwan's record is as strong as Rushdie's. Why is that? Is it because of the ancient controvesy that he is so keen to remind people of at every opportunity?
  16. Sorry but that is nonsense. Knighthoods and honours should be for the foremost practitioners of their fields and that includes literature (though Rushdie's not one of these). What devalues these awards is that they've been handed out to charity workers.
  17. But is he of sufficient merit to be knighted? He hasn't won the Noble Prize, for example, which is for the writer's entire opus. His highest award is the Booker, which is for a single book. Of the winners of that award only 4 have been Knighted/Damed - Iris Murdoch, A.S. Byatt, Kingsley Amis, and William Golding. You've got to say at least three of these had more distinguished careers.
  18. I wonder if this is a generational thing. The baby boomer generation handing out gongs to its own. Just as in the political world where the generation that benefited from universal health care, free university education, and could look forward to a comfortable retirement, only to begin removing these from future generations; that inherited a post-Cold War world and declared a War on the Muslims. This generation that was going to change the world but fucked up, have seen the literary figures they built up - Rushdie, McEwan, Barnes, Martin Amis etc revealed as tedious and pretentious as younger writers sweep past. It therefore seems natural that Blair in his final days in power should attempt to redress this balance by giving Rushdie a gong, as if to say "look what we have achieved". It is also appropriate that it should be Rushdie he chooses, since this man is a shameless self-publicist. I took against him in the nineties when a read a book review he'd written, in which he described the prose as being as "subtle as a fatwah". Just in case we needed reminding of the reviewer's credentials.
  19. Was that why you were hanging around Fancy Street this evening, were you hoping for a glimpse of Rhumsa leaving work?
  20. Declan


    Is a song about marching across the Rhine likely to have been popular in Germany?
  21. Ha outed! Stuart T is a secret chip muncher!
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