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  1. Firmly up Rob Callisters anus ...

  2. Good. Let's hope he gets a chunky fine for being such a knob.
  3. Careful, your prejudice is showing. Where do things like arrogance and smugness come into it? They're just doing what they enjoy, it's you that's projecting smugness onto them. Feeling a little insecure are we? There's zero logic in your stance. Motorcyclists are dying, and you're complaining about how unsafe cyclists are? How many cycling fatalities have there been? If you want to kill yourself please feel free. Dont try to pretend that cycling on the Bungalow on Mad Sunday is anything but completely fucking stupid though. Yes they're doing what they enjoy - being, stupid, arrogant, tossers who think they are completely immune from the laws of the land or reality. They're not even insured so if someone gets knocked off at 100mph I suppose at least it's a cheap job to deal with it. A £20 cardboard Eco-coffin and drop them in a skip. No need to claim anything more against someone else's insurance.
  4. Sounds like some of the other road users I have encountered the last week or so... You have to apply some logic. There was a pack of 6 riding 2 abreast out past Greeba on the course this morning with bikes flying past them. It's Mad Sunday - I have no sympathy for any of the fuckers. They're just asking to go home in an ambulance. Most of them appear to be arrogant shit-heads who are just doing it to cause annoyance and add to the already dangerous situation on the roads. They won't feel so bloody smug if one of them gets wiped out. but why shouldn't the general public be able to use the puclic roads because bikers can't control their machines ? /tin hat on The TT has been gong since 1907, Mad Sunday has been part of the festival for god knows how many years. Surely it's obvious that you are less likely to be injured if you just stay off cycling on the main parts of the course on the bad days and especially off the one way system that is designed to allow bikers to ride at excessive speed whilst minimising the risks? I have no sympathy for those sad cycling fuckers. If there was a lion taming festival these would be the same stupid bastards who would ride through it because - I'm a cyclist and I can do what I like. If one of them goes home in an ambulance they only have themselves to blame. Stupid twats.
  5. Sounds like some of the other road users I have encountered the last week or so... You have to apply some logic. There was a pack of 6 riding 2 abreast out past Greeba on the course this morning with bikes flying past them. It's Mad Sunday - I have no sympathy for any of the fuckers. They're just asking to go home in an ambulance. Most of them appear to be arrogant shit-heads who are just doing it to cause annoyance and add to the already dangerous situation on the roads. They won't feel so bloody smug if one of them gets wiped out.
  6. They should be arrested - what a fucking wanker. Deserves to be going home in an ambulance. Stupid, arrogant, cycling, shit-head. Probably thinks he has a right to ride wherever he chooses regardless of applying any common sense.
  7. No 3 racers isn't it? The one at Billown, and the two from the last few days plus 3 on the roads?
  8. It's starting to sound mental this year already. I had a run of the course before including the one-way system. It's a madhouse. I'm sure there's a hardcore who now come here earlier to experience the roads before they clog up.
  9. TT week is coming up. It's been really nice to see what road tax pays for. Which is almost nothing.
  10. It's the same with anything that involves scousers - it just gets too much hassle in the end as everything gets lost in the endless public gobiness and claims and counter claims that completely detract for what actually happened. Sadly i can still see a 100 year remembrance of Hillsborough happening as it will give 6th generation scousers something to get angry about.
  11. That's the crux of course. What other levers do you have to pull as an Island with no other economic attractions and a whole load of cost implications. If you can't offer tax incentives, there isn't a whole lot left. A spuds and herring museum and a ceremony on Hango Hill once a year.
  12. Feck me, they have done well. Ah, we'll find out what happens after the referendum. So far the Tories seem to be doing an ok job, but you can already see the creep of corruption. If Labour got their act together, got a proper white person like Tony Blair, and not a shady skinned Ed Miliband or old duffer Corden, they might do alright. Yes Blairs a proper white person - evil, crooked, arrogant, and with more than a touch of megalomania.
  13. Can you get him to drop me some anusol round too? It's a repeat order. I find most of what I read here gives me a massive pain in my ass.
  14. Mr Bell is a Guardian reader. Is that some sort of euphemism?
  15. What a sad and abusive individual you are. However I don't intend to lower myself to your dubious standards. Suffice to say, the net is closing ,it's to be hoped it will shut up the bad tempered waffle of someone plainly under presure. Goodbye. To you and those like you. Cheers.
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