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Everything posted by pongo

  1. From the Ladybird book of daft management clichés.
  2. I see it most in those opposing what governments have done.
  3. And why do you imagine that they are doing it?
  4. Still? Are you saying that it used to be? Was that 6,000 years ago when, according to the DUP, it was created?
  5. Are you recommending your own work here by any chance?
  6. Can't get that song out of my head now.
  7. The Labour shortages do not only apply to those on low pay. There are staffing issues in all sectors.
  8. Minimum wage legislation would apply just the same. It makes sense to me now that Britain has lost so much of its workforce and potential workforce which used to come from the EU.
  9. There is a massive labour shortage in Britain thanks to Brexit. Couldn't these people help with that?
  10. The Royal Navy protects British maritime trade all over the world including significant tonnage on the Manx registry.
  11. More likely, nothing to do with it. In 1940 Britain was not in a position to do anything about the Nazi occupation of the Channel Islands. And let's not forget that many thought that Britain stood no chance and should make peace (whilst others leaned towards supporting the Nazis because they so hated London).
  12. Is the Celtic League even real? How many chairs would they need if they held a mass meetup?
  13. I have 2 different phones. And no it is not only me who has noticed these issues. The fact that you have not noticed this issue does not mean that there is not an issue.
  14. Lucky you. But, as I said, old fashioned texts are not reliable on the IOM. Sometimes they arrive days later. Sometimes not at all. I have had texts from the voicemail days later saying that someone has left a voicemail. Only to then find other voicemail messages. And it's touch and go as a 2 factor solution. Sometimes the code arrives. Sometimes it is hours late. Sometimes not at all.
  15. Old fashioned texts are not reliable on the IOM. Sometimes they arrive days later. Sometimes not at all.
  16. The letters ask people to make contact if they cannot make the appointment.
  17. Yes they can. Provided they get vaccinated.
  18. You just said that you were not suggesting that. It should not apply to those who have a genuine medical reason not to be vaccinated.
  19. You are suggesting that the unvaccinated should not be allowed back in? I think that would probably be a step too far. There should be an exception for people who cannot be vaccinated for genuine medical reason.
  20. There is no evidence that it was in any way damaging.
  21. Ever wondered why? On the plus side - soon enough all cars will be electric. The car will be able to tell you when a part needs recycling.
  22. IOM govt have done a great job of navigating a sensible route.
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