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Everything posted by pongo

  1. Sure the sewage issue needs sorting out. But Peel is a lovely town. Most people in Britain would love to live somewhere like that. The truth is that you're down on the Isle of Man in general. You could live anywhere on the planet but you choose to live somewhere you hate. That's barmy. Why waste your limited time here?
  2. Just a few TV shows which the content producers themselves quite understandably no longer feel confident standing behind.
  3. That article does not concern the censorship of any historical accounts.
  4. How sad that anyone should have to live a life where that passes as culture. I hope the tax payer is not supporting these people to breed.
  5. Many of them consider 'context' to be essentially a Marxist perspective - especially when applied to language. Often being not especially bright, they tend to distrust the idea that words have fluid meanings.
  6. All of this mess was once breezily dismissed as 'Project Fear'. Now apparently it was always part of the plan. What a stupid plan.
  7. This was how it used to be. Things like this are now very fashionable and popular again around the British Isles. https://www.manxnostalgia.com/port-erin/port-erin-baths
  8. This seems very unlikely. Money smells horrible.
  9. Both of them are bright with a solid professional background and could clearly be earning more outside of local politics. Whilst that probably shouldn't be a prerequisite for even becoming an MHK, it probably should be the norm. Currently it puts them well ahead of many others.
  10. Apart from the prom, the last 5 years have been relatively ok. The economy has done ok. Can't blame the IOM govt for the mess that is Brexit or for the global pandemic.
  11. They both seem like good bright candidates to me. In different ways. It could be a lot worse.
  12. This guy specifically said that he has been studying for a BSc @James Blonde That said - all degrees require a level of engagement which make them valuable. A well educated person can be trained to do anything. Degrees should not necessarily be vocational. Also - media is one of the UK's leading exports.
  13. Dublin and Edinburgh lawyers would be good examples. Certainly 20 years ago. And some from an older generation of East Coast Americans.
  14. Ireland (12.5% currently) has now dropped opposition to the G7 / OECD Corporation Tax Plan. https://www.irishexaminer.com/business/economy/arid-40715954.html That's interesting and I would be very interested to know what any tax experts including @Phillip Deardenhave to say here. At the back of my mind I had a vague idea that the IOM previously ended up with Zero10 because taxing locally companies differently was deemed to be discriminatory?
  15. The IOM Govt did a good job of handling the pandemic. Nobody had trained for that.
  16. Definitely code for no time wasted writing a dull and pointless blog. So far: 10/10.
  17. Hardly a great argument for giving the mob what they want. (Fuel shortages, labour shortages, economic chaos, looming inflation, trouble in the north of Ireland. It's getting like the 1970s. And some people seriously trying to write off the chaos as transitional - as if it were somehow part of the plan).
  18. Definitely not one of your better silly ideas and a recipe for a very nasty sort of mob rule. Take this to its logical conclusion and in no time at all bodies will be swinging from lampposts. That's what will make the mob happy. But even ahead of that it's an argument for economic ruin. People want greater government spending for less money. They want more freedom for themselves but less for everyone else.
  19. Good. Because that is exactly how representative democracy is supposed to work. We do not elect delegates, we elect representatives. That is why you should ask them what they believe in before you vote. Rather than letting them pretend to listen.
  20. Johnson is selling himself like business hating lefty now. Any day now the power will probably go off. After that massive inflation and petrol queues. What Britain needs is someone like Mrs Thatcher to sort it all out. Get us in a single market etc.
  21. FTB schemes typically inflate the cost of FTB properties. But government would not need to spend anything on FTB schemes if it simply ruled that a certain proportion of new build could only be sold to FTBs and set price limits.
  22. Personally I would like to see the government spend more improving services. Living within one's means always sounds like a rather depressing prospect. Even domestically. Surely the positive and optimistic response to not having enough money is to make more money. And it's supposed to be spent - that's what keeps the economy moving. The nicest places tend to be those places where government spends more.
  23. Would surely make effective sense to cut out the middle man.
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