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Everything posted by pongo

  1. Is it not more about the fact that over time more was known and understood? It started out as something which was very dangerous and worrying - perfectly healthy people were dying from it. But, especially as the vaccination programme has been rolled out, we have all been gradually able to get back towards some kind of normal. Taking the heat out of it. Today it is really only the unvaccinated who may need to be isolated, especially in winter, against the risk of them overwhelming national health services.
  2. I sort of referenced this back up the log. The theory I have been reading is that CC companies have to effectively set aside money to offset potential risk (which costs them). So customers with a higher credit limit cost more. And if they pay off their balance every month then they represent a loss to the CC companies. What I am reading is that people's credit limit will increase proportionate to the average balance they maintain.
  3. The credit card companies are gradually trying to reduce their exposure to people who pay it off every month. It costs them money.
  4. Places like Shoreditch work because they have evolved organically over decades and centuries in response to the ebb and flow of economics, immigration etc. Some of what are now the poshest parts of West London had shown the way in the 70s and early 80s. By the 90s everyone knew that Shoreditch was a good place to still buy cheap. Being so close to the City - while physical proximity still mattered so much. Shoreditch did not have to promote itself as a place to go to. It happened despite local government. It's a model which the rest of Britain could learn from. (It's a good example of why we should not worry about the decline of our former retail areas. We should stand back and see what naturally replaces that.)
  5. Everyone should live in London for a bit. But you definitely grow out of it.
  6. State funded murals and public art in general are the stupid opposite of cool. And any self-conscious attempt to be cool is laughable. Probably the coolest thing about the IOM is the fantastic and often wild outdoors. Mountain biking, swimming, jumping off a hill with a parachute - and the constantly changing weather. From a work perspective we have very good rural connectivity. It's great being able to work somewhere like this.
  7. You said that your friend suggested this in the context of Covid - the idea that the response to Covid is like the persecution of the Jews (you said this yesterday). That is a meme common amongst many of conspiracy fringes. Mostly but not exclusively the far right. It is also clearly inflammatory and, at best, fringe.
  8. So was it you making a comparison with the Nazis?
  9. I cannot speak to your conversation with @Zarley - but the point I made to you yesterday @Roxanne is that your friend is repeating conspiracy fringe memes. i.e. - the idea that governments' measures in response to Covid are comparable with the Nazis. As detailed in the links I posted. I was disappointed that you chose not to understand that. And , for example, it is well documented how many who would once have been on the soft-left and many with an inherent belief in alternative practices and "wellness" have been sucked into the conspiracy fringes during the Covid era. It's the new QAnon. Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: how the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science
  10. Great site. Utter cargo cult nonsense though. It's that old idea that if you build it they will come. TL;Dr - they don't.
  11. Dom An era which most in Malta remember for authoritarianism and political violence.
  12. I am not questioning her mental capacity. I am questioning her level-headedness. Because she said "it’s like the beginnings of the persecution of the Jews". On any scale that is, at very least, a deliberately OTT comparison. It is also historically and factually inaccurate given that the persecution of the Jews began at least as far back as the Middle Ages. What happened in the 1920s and 1930s began many centuries earlier. It's a shrill comparison - almost the biggest thing she could say. Boom. But she is propagating a meme which is common on the anti-vax, anti-mask fringes and adding her own spin. It has become a common meme not just on the far right but also amongst many who might once have been called new-agers. News Anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists use vile anti-Semitic memes to spread Covid misinformation online Antisemitic rhetoric continues to be used by some opponents of COVID-19 measures Kansas anti-vaxxers condemned for comparing vaccine mandates to the Holocaust by wearing yellow stars Jewish leaders condemn ‘shocking’ Nazi references in debate on Victoria’s pandemic bill
  13. It may answer the question around whether or not she is "level headed".
  14. What are her reasons for not wanting to be vaccinated?
  15. She's not level headed if she is making that kind of wild comparison. More likely she has got sucked into the same kind of thinking which results in people imagining the whole thing to be a con.
  16. People used to be defined as ESN - educationally subnormal. In reality they were probably dyslexic or forced to be right-handed. The past was another country: A really horrible place.
  17. But right about Brexit fucking up the economy and the north of Ireland + creating a massive labour shortage. All of which was previously dismissed as "Project Fear". Now the grifters and spivs who pushed it through say that this is inevitable and transitional and will likely take decades to sort out. They could have warned us. Still - it got Boris into No 10. And I suppose that we can all agree that he has been an absolutely brilliant PM so far.
  18. Typically misunderstood to mean the most physically fit - as opposed to the best fitted to survive. The best fitted to survive will be those who can best adapt.
  19. The IOM Ship Registry (in the world's top 20) is all about big ships. Perhaps that is a factor. There are ships all over the world registered here and flying under the Red Ensign. i.e. under Royal Navy protection. The Jersey Ship Registry is basically just for small craft. ETA: to be clear - I have no idea whether this makes a difference - but I can see why it would.
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