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Everything posted by alibaba

  1. Talking of the HNW it is a bit of a wonder that some footballers haven't taken up roost here. They must get massive amounts taken off them in tax. Rooney is on what? £200000 per week, £10m per year, getting taxed for £4m+, he should buy a helicopter and live here, saving LOADS!
  2. They are both bumbling idiots. I can't for the life of me imagine why anyone would vote for either of them. Is there anyone on here from that constituency who voted for either and would like to explain why? WHY?
  3. The guy is a prick and I hope that those of his constituents who haven't already realised this realise it soon.
  4. Bunch of lying horrible tossers. Do they have their addresses published online? Someone should post Houghton a turd in a box.
  5. Where has this NHS line come from? According to Houghton, the clearly well qualified Chairman of WSA, it's to pay off it's loans, which it currently can't do. I
  6. Roger Mexico, VinnieK and, err, TJ
  7. This charge isn't to pay for the pipes, it's for the LOANS. OK, so the loans may have been for the pipes, but they also might have been to rebrand from Ushtey to Water Authority to Water and Sewerarge Authority,along with other silliness, which won't have been cheap.
  8. The money is 'needed' because the water authority can't afford to pay off it's loans. How much are these loans, and how much interest is being paid on them per year, and for how many more years will this interest have to be paid? If it is £90m as someone suggested that would mean that the interest alone on the loan would probably be at least £4m per year. So the scat tax is just to cover the interest? So we're paying for the 'privilage' of shitting in our own homes simply to enrich the same bankers as always. Great.
  9. This might be my favourite ever post.
  10. Ugh. "John Houghton MHK, the authority’s chairman, told Tynwald this week that the charges were needed to meet the cost of its loan repayments and interest charges on its capital schemes." so you take out a loan, can't afford to pay it back, so you steal. Fucking wankers. http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/new-toilet-tax-to-hit-manx-residents-in-the-pocket-1-6389820
  11. They can absolutely fuck off. It's every fucking week there's a new charge for this, an increase in that, and almost all of it coming from the government, which is apparently skint. As 3000 ex(and somehow current) employees walk around on £1000+ per week pensions. An extra £50 this year,£100 the next. No. Not paying. Fuck off.
  12. Ugh. I didn't vote for this, it wasn't in the manifesto of any prospective MHK that I can remember. Some democracy.
  13. alibaba

    Body Found

    TJ is just on here trolling because he got banned from the 'Manx morons and moronic shit' facebook page.
  14. alibaba

    Body Found

    Trust me that journalists will not be bound by the same constraints. They will find names and contact details for family and friends and will look for an angle on a story. They are a pain in the backside when something like this happens. Sadly I have first hand experience of what journalists will try and I can guarantee you they will have found this thread. There are no journalists on the Isle of Man
  15. alibaba

    Body Found

    Censorship can't help it.
  16. Some good films I've seen recently. The place beyond the pines - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Place_Beyond_the_Pines - excellent. Dogville - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogville - This film is amazing. Takes a bit to get used to though. Rubber - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubber_(2010_film) - Completely silly, utterly brilliant. don't watch 'Cosmopolis' though. It's shit.
  17. Rubber http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1612774/ Awesome
  18. http://srvc.se/disco-opera/kool-dj-dust-the-disco-opera
  19. Someone naughty has managed to sneak 'Hardcore will never die, but you will' out 6 weeks early, and I just had to give it a listen. It's the new long player from scottish post rock gods Mogwai, an aural treat for everyone. Utter utter bliss. Oh, and on the subject of piracy... http://torrentfreak.com/more-music-sold-than-ever-before-despite-piracy-110110/
  20. Came across this earlier today: http://cleantechnica.com/2010/01/15/millio...t=Google+Reader
  21. Finally got round to watching Inland Empire. 3 hours of total confusion. I think I liked it.
  22. Today I'm listening to 'Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született' and its amazing. It's all classical strings and insane beats. Awesome stuff. Here's an example
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