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About alibaba

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    The Isle of Everywhere

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  1. Its certainly nothing special. Something that might be special is the new Radiohead album. I had it on at work the other day, but had to turn it off. It is not work music. I reckon though, that after several portions of wine and stuff that its gonna be total bliss. Just need to find the time to get a little drunk...
  2. 27 years to be told what everyone knew anyway, the police are a bunch of lying cunts.
  3. It would star a bunch of twats and be really really dull.
  4. Do you mean Zecharia Sitchin? I read one of his books, Genesis Revisted. I won't be reading another one.
  5. Ah yeah, that's a fun movie. I'll recommend it too.
  6. Recently watched The Lobster. In the future everyone is supposed to have a life partner, and if you don't you go to this hotel where you get 40 days to find one or you get turned into an animal. Or something. I think I enjoyed it, but I'm not totally sure. Its by the guy who directed Dogtooth, which might explain a few things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bemcHBqng4o
  7. I reckon bitcoin could be used by the media, newspapers and magazines especially, for micro payments on their websites. The smallest amount you can currently send is 0.00005465btc or something, which is worth virtually nothing, but imagine you ran The Guardian and brought in a bitcoin paywall and charged 1 satoshi per article. Deposit the minimum with them and that is 5465 articles. Seems like nothing, and certainly to the reader it is nothing, but to the newspaper it would soon add up.
  8. No. Figured it was a bit late, and that as that number was posted over a year ago the lady might have moved jobs (a high probability if the job is as awful as reports of their delivery record are) she might not appreciate being called, so just thought I'd check before I go ahead and call it anyway.
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