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About Lao

  • Birthday 11/07/1978

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    Martial Arts

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  1. Well, I've got to admit it made me chuckle too. now I've got to go find a video of him doing it again!
  2. Scary seeing all the science denial going on in the world, evolution, climate change, conspiracy theorists even flat earthers. I'd book myself on the first flight to a moon or martian colony, if i could afford it, a colony on another planet would have to be science embracing right? Knowing my luck i'd end up wherever the fundamentals travel to to restart their religions, like the pilgrims heading for America.
  3. But what i want to know is: Does Mary still love Dick?
  4. I decided to make an effort and trim down my usually thick cold weather beard for the wedding into a chin strap/sheriff of nottingham style affair, and felt somewhat naked without my signature face-warmer, your own fine example of facial hair-art did little to help me forget my discomfort!
  5. I assume you are happier with the nod you received this week? Much happier.
  6. Perhaps, but I've heard it said that a southern man don't need him around anyhow.
  7. 6 hours? that supposes a fixed point for the camera, but objects orbiting the earth need to travel at something like 8km a second to avoid falling back to earth, i don't have the maths in front of me but that trip would be more like 20mins.
  8. But did you wave and say Hi? nope! plus, I do not trundle. I'm just recovering from a broken leg, and have a slightly more unusual gait that normal!
  9. that assumes that Hannah would let me near her bag of sweets, and since I pulled her hair and told her she was dumb in gym class, she hasn't been interested in sharing with me.
  10. i understand the forumla, what I can't see is how you are being asked to show your answer as a formula, rather than solving n and proving the formula that you were given as correct. it's been years since I was at school, and they kicked me out at 15, and as I don't have kids of my own to reintroduce me to it, I'm a little rusty, but still it seems like the most practical thing to take away from this question would be an ability to actually work out how many sweets are in the bloody bag!
  11. All i got was there are 10 sweets in the bag. edited to add pretty much same as you Declan, either: 6/10 x 5/9 = 1/3 or 0.3333333 or 10 x 10 -10 -90 = 0
  12. Hubble sees an ancient globular cluster: http://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/hubble-sees-an-ancient-globular-cluster/#.VLvLZ0esV1g It's amazing to think that when it was first discovered it was little more than "small, faint smudge" through the telescope of discoverer John Russell Hind, but now 160 years on, with all the advances in technology, we get to see what those astronomers could not.
  13. Spotted Amadeus in a thread about the TT on reddit.
  14. It was a great night, i hope i get to work more of there gigs, great music does make the night fly by!
  15. Mudcheck introduced himself to me in the highwayman.
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