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Flight Simulator


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I found this free flight Simulator and it looks quite good, Although i can't run it on my computer because of my onboard graphics!


Anyway check it out, It looks quite good from the screen shots and you can download new planes and scenery from there, I also think you can import planes and scenery from Microsoft flight simulator.


Clicky : Flight simulator

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You probably need 2007 hardware. I upgraded my PC to the latest & greatest spec CPU, GFX etc for FS2004's launch and it still struggled on maxed out settings :(

I am running FS2K4 on a machine with 2.5 Ghz P4, 512Mb RAM, a GF4, and I got a massive frame rate boost just by running it under Windows XP, with the latest DirectX. You are right, I will probably need a new machine for FSX.


X Plane is definitely worth a look. This supposedly uses proper aerodynamic models, to give a more 'accurate' feel than FS. (I've got 16 logged hours in actual planes, and it's good enough for me). Apparently you can even log hours for instrument training, with it.

You can even do a winch launch in a glider, ideal if Andreas is snowed under :)


Still looking for a PA-38 for flightsim though :(

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