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Lander On Pc

Stu Peters

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My first computer was a CPM (I think) machine that cost £5 grand in 1981...it was designed specifically to run audio-visual multiscreen shows. It came with a games disk (big floppy) containing Lander, which kept me riveted for hours!


Is there anywhere you can still download the game to run under XP?? Could prove to be boring, but it could still be great fun too...

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Dont recognize the game, but if it was going to be anywhere, I'd have thought it'd be at the Underdogs website:


Home Of The Underdogs


I just did a search though, before posting this. There is 1 entry for "Lander", and from the description, its a "3d remake and 'expansion' of ancient vector-based arcade game of the same name". It came out in '99, so how like the original it is I have no idea. 120Mb download! However the graphics do look good I must admit.


Doesnt look like the original is on here though.. and if its not on here, I doubt you'll find it anywhere else. You could ask around on the Underdogs forums, or try some of the other Abandonware sites.

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Fantastic - thanks folks. Just looked at the link ans supplied and it looks exactly the thing I remember. Will download and try over the weekend.


Thanks again.

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Hmmm - I actually DID a Google, but think I entered Lunar Lander or something, and drew a blank.


Anyway, I like to provide ans with a purpose in life...

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It came with a games disk (big floppy) containing Lander, which kept me riveted for hours!


Is there anywhere you can still download the game to run under XP?? Could prove to be boring, but it could still be great fun too...

I remeber this game, and was reminded of it last night whilst watching sky, i bet you watched the same prog Stu !!



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Don't think I was watching Sky - but I can't remember now what it was made me remember the game...so maybe it was on in the background.


Shame, but the downloads don't work (0kb zip file), so I've resorted to playing it online. Still good fun!

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Ans - thanks so much! Have downloaded and will have a play later.


Might also get Asteroids from that other great site. Spent the summer of 1981 playing that when I should have been working. Nowadays it invariably means a dodgy curry and a subsequent trip to the chemist...

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