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Years ago my Uncle claimed to have seen Little Grey Men running around down at Ballaghennie. They were probably just fairies, sorry, Themselves. Nothing unusual to worry about then.


He still stands by this story, despite the fact that noone else believes it.

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When I was a kid living in Anagh Coar I was out playing quite late one night and I saw some kind of weird thing with lights 'hovering' over Douglas... I stopped a passing Police car I was that frightened (Hey, I was only 9) they told me I probably saw the sun going down... even back then I knew the sun set in Peel and not over Bray Hill!!!


I remember telling my mum about it that day and that in the Courier the following Thursday the headline was 'cigar shaped object spotted'... So I either did see something, or I had a shared hallucination...

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My Mum reckoned she saw a ball of fire floating over Douglas Head in the 1950's (we all thought she'd been on the gin).


But about 8 years ago, driving south from Peel to Port Erin around midnight, what looked like a single orange headlight was rolling down South Barrule at about the same speed we were doing. It just moved along steadily for what seemed like ages, then suddenly disappeared. Weird.

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must admit, i'm more likely to be wary of small tiny insects - species that i've never seen before - such as minute wasps with blueish rather than blackish heads and massive compound-vision eyes - very precise movements...sharp and very swift...darting away as quickly as they land....what the fu"%£ck are they about? i always think that they are clocking all sorts of information - they seem more intelligent somwhow then the beings that bomb around in the sky in giant pots and pans with flashing lights...

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