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Ford Capri Returns


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Ford in non-ugly modern car shocker!


It's not bad really although certainly no stunner. That said, it sounds like it'll be a lot closer to the mark than the illfated Probe which was meant to be "the new Capri".

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so its a capri but not rear wheel drive, thats really crap.


tell you what why don't VW make a new Beetle with the engine in the front and front wheel drive, or Fiat could make a new 500 and do the same to that, what's the point?

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The point is that by giving it the same name they're hoping loads of people will go "Splendid - I can buy a capri and it'll be a spangly new car instead of a crusting old dog - sounds ideal for my next company car eh Giles?"

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so its a capri but not rear wheel drive, thats really crap.


tell you what why don't VW make a new Beetle with the engine in the front and front wheel drive, or Fiat could make a new 500 and do the same to that, what's the point?



Apply the same thinking to houses, the aspirational middle classes love to live in Tudor/Elizabethan/Gothic style homes


But if those homes were built with an oak frame and brick infill with a thatched roof they would be cold, damp, expensive and would not pass building regs


So they buy a modern house that looks a bit like a historic one


My advice if you really want the real (shite) driving experience of a Beetle, Fiat 500 or Capri, try Ebay


There's dozens of them for sale

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I got given a free 1.6 Capri once and I can categorically say that it was without a shadow of a doubt the shittest car out of the 15 or so I've owned since I have been driving on the road.


But it was still sort of cool though in a way. :)

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