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First Footing


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Did anyone see the BBC prog. when they went to Scotland to see the merriment, this Scotch chap gave the uk presenter a peice of coal, a gift of shortbread....and in his grasp was a hip flask of whiskey...he made a half-hearted gesture to hand the 'flagon of fun' over but could not bring himself to do so.


Natasha Kapliniski...do you think she's gone to her hotel room alone?

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Oh dear ! First through my door was my big yellow cat....whoops !


Well according to the Manx Radio chap the other Sunday morning (Brian Stowell) it is traditional for a dark haired person to be first through the door down south, but in the North it is preferable for a fair haired person.


So you might be alright with your yellow cat Topaz, if you're in Ramsey, or thereabouts.



It was suggested that maybe this tradition was because of the 'spaniards' from south, when they started migrating a bit, weren't made so welcome in the north as they were in the south where the local folk rescued them and took them in. Hence Spanish Head. But all this is, I admit, just supposition.





Oh, and Carter, you should have put sacking over your footings in this weather. They could well be ruined if the frost has got to them.

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Never heard of this until last night.


I was describing to some friends how a relation of mine would leave the house before the stroke of midnight, have a brief walk about and then come back in afterwards, to "come in with the new year" rather than mark the exact point of 12AM.


My friend said "You mean like first footing?" - which was not really what I meant, but then I got to know what first footing was about.


Perhaps my relation was just having a private moment, which is perfectly alright I guess!

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