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K.os Theory

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I wouldn't mind trying out another character, maybe a zerker or a Siren.


I don't play much co-op, its awkward/embarrassing as my box is set up in the living room and the misses mocks me :(


So if I join you I may not say much.


hehehe no worries, what's your GT and i'll get you added ( if i've not done so already! ), wait for the others and see when is a good time for everyone!

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Damn it I need one of them!


I'm still using my "epic revolver of one shotyness"


Have you moved into New Haven yet K.os?


I managed to finish up the last quests in Fyrestone last night so will be moving on tonight, maybe. Depending on how crap Steam decides to be.

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Yeah got there last nite...it's a nice Hub town with loads of hidden weapon crates ( nice for a bit of farming )...


I'm gonna have to create some mule characters, i'm having to get rid of weapons that I think could be used for other playthroughs; I had to sell a 5 shot repeating rocket-launcher due to the fact that I don't use them ( all 5 shots fired off in about 2 seconds! ).

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Yeah got there last nite...it's a nice Hub town with loads of hidden weapon crates ( nice for a bit of farming )...


I'm gonna have to create some mule characters, i'm having to get rid of weapons that I think could be used for other playthroughs; I had to sell a 5 shot repeating rocket-launcher due to the fact that I don't use them ( all 5 shots fired off in about 2 seconds! ).


Did some more 4 player multi last night. It's fun, but you really need to start chars off together, it's pretty pointless playing with mates who don't have chars of a similar level as you, as you've no quests to do together. Great fun though, it scales all the monsters up so it becomes rock ard.

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Did some more 4 player multi last night. It's fun, but you really need to start chars off together, it's pretty pointless playing with mates who don't have chars of a similar level as you, as you've no quests to do together. Great fun though, it scales all the monsters up so it becomes rock ard.


I noticed you were on last nite, I went down for some food came back upstairs to find you in a game...


I think the beauty of starting of from fresh is the ability to choose completely different characters and to a lesser extent different builds of characters you may have already played.

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Ive been reading up on some Siren builds, sounds like if you get it right she is unstoppable by around lvl 20


My siren is 19, and I've specced the elongated phasewalk thingy as well as rapid phasewalk cooldown. If you equip a quick regen shield, you can basically phasewalk, regen and come back with a full shield, it's nuts.

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I'm trying to steer away from outside influence on my build, she's pretty tough at the moment but I'm seriously starting to lack in the elemental smg side of things.


I had to do a quest to kill SKAGZILLA last nite and it pretty much took all my ammo supplies to finish the job!


I also only found out last nite where you can assign your different artifacts ( its in the screen where you allocate your skill points btw ).

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Also jut found out that orange isn't the highest rank of weapon there is also a "pearlesant" white that is even rarer.








One person claiming the following


sniper that does 2000 damage 100 accuarcy 10 fire rate +1000 criticall hit +10 ammo regeneration and holds 20 in a clip its worth 50000+ dollars and has x4 explosive


Not so sure on that one but the other 2 confirmed sound pretty good.


TMP88 Static Thanatos

Damage 65

Accuracy 92.8

Fire rate 11.3

Lightning x1

64 clip size

"Big Tony says Hi"

3.1 weapon zoom

level requirement 31



RF Wicked Invader

Damage 163

Accuracy 92.4

Fire rate 2.8

12 clip size

"12 bullets invade your skull"

4.7x weapon zoom

+24% Recoil reduction

+55% accuracy

(If you aim it shoots the whole clip)

level requirement 48

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