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A Part Of Me Hates F'ing Hippies.

King Lear

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I am being presumptious, borderline racist (are hippies an ethnic group?) and overly agressive ... but there is just something in this story which makes me mad.


Goa death mother on fraud charge


The mother of a British teenager whose body was found on a beach in Goa has been charged with falsely claiming more than £50,000 in income support.


The charge relates to the period 2 February 2005 to 10 March 2008 and includes the time when Ms Keown had taken a six-month family holiday with Scarlett to Goa.


During their time in the resort of Anjuna, Scarlett was left in the care of a 25-year-old tour guide while the rest of the family went travelling ... [and subsequently Scarlett was murdered.]


Its about taking responsibility and not believing the world owes you a living. Hippies too often just don't get that.

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it seems to me that damning all hippies in general based on your dislike of this specific incident is going a bit far.


i have met some very nice "hippies" who far from thinking the world owed them something, they felt that they owed the world and tried hard to give back to the earth.

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Yeah, I'm mainly blowing some steam. But in this context I suppose a hippy, in some form, is someone who does not want to contribute to society - and the part that I hate, still wants to benefit from it - whether it is income support, or jet travel to India.


Sure hippies will go and form communes and travel and bang drums - most can relate to that - but when it becomes the entirety of life too much is left behind.

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Yeah, I'm mainly blowing some steam. But in this context I suppose a hippy, in some form, is someone who does not want to contribute to society - and the part that I hate, still wants to benefit from it - whether it is income support, or jet travel to India.


Sure hippies will go and form communes and travel and bang drums - most can relate to that - but when it becomes the entirety of life too much is left behind.


In addition, they are often the type who continually bang on about mankind destroying the Earth and Gaia and whatnot without noticing the hypocrisy of giving birth to (in Fiona MacKeown's case) NINE squalling brats.

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I assume you mean that they don't pay their way in the world, they're free riders.


"Free Riders"? - "Parasites" might be closer to the mark. Can't be arsed to find paid work and expect the people who do go out to work to subsidise their self-indulgent lifestyle. I have more respect for an unmarried mother living on benefits in a sink estate than this bunch of hypocritical soap-dodgers.

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I hate hippies - Richard Branson, Tony Blair, Dave Gilmour, Bill Clinton, Bob Harris, George Bush, baby boomers who retired at 50 but demand everyone else works to 70.


Vile generation they inherited a World that had defeated Nazism & Communism and preceded to start a war with Islam. Were the first generation to benefit from Universal health care and pensions. First generation to benefit from free mass higher education starts by means testing grants and tuition fees. Lectured their parents about freedom and introduces waterboarding and detention without trial. Were gonna change the World and become the first generation to leave the World in a worse state than they found it.

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Hmm. Bit of a pointless thing to attribute such terms to. The employer-employee relationship is more parasitic than synergistic. And there are plenty of rich people who could be called societal parasites.


Ah, but I derive a benefit from being employed - money. What benefit do I derive from a portion of my taxes being used to support those who choose not to work (and indeed subsidising their 6-month holidays in Goa)?

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I hate hippies - Richard Branson, Tony Blair, Dave Gilmour, Bill Clinton, Bob Harris, George Bush, baby boomers who retired at 50 but demand everyone else works to 70.


Vile generation they inherited a World that had defeated Nazism & Communism and preceded to start a war with Islam. Were the first generation to benefit from Universal health care and pensions. First generation to benefit from free mass higher education starts by means testing grants and tuition fees. Lectured their parents about freedom and introduces waterboarding and detention without trial. Were gonna change the World and become the first generation to leave the World in a worse state than they found it.


100% correct.

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