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Chinahand's Random Stuff


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This image is a uniform colour of grey.  All it has is a white and black line drawn on it, both of which fade into the grey.

The shapes are also arranged in straight parallel lines.

Ain't the brain an amazing thing:


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On 1/15/2018 at 11:07 PM, Chinahand said:

Ages ago I highlighted a Numberphile video which claimed the sum of the integers was - 1/12.  See here.

Now the Mathologer has come along with a comprehensive debunk:


Well I watched it, even if no-one else did!

I was hoping he'd get onto how the sum of an alternating series can be made to equal anything you like by re-ordering terms, but he didn't!

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No. Carl Sagan's message was sent to a star-cluster 25,000 light years away so in 25,000 years, when it reaches its actual target it may have changed positon anyway.

In the very remote chance the signal had been intercepted by a passing spaceship out of the Orion Nebula, why wouldn't they make intelligible contact via video or radio?

Ask yourself. Why a crop-circle in some lonely insignificant farmer's field? 

Edited by quilp
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17 hours ago, quilp said:

No. Carl Sagan's message was sent to a star-cluster 25,000 light years away so in 25,000 years, when it reaches its actual target it may have changed positon anyway.

In the very remote chance the signal had been intercepted by a passing spaceship out of the Orion Nebula, why wouldn't they make intelligible contact via video or radio?

Ask yourself. Why a crop-circle in some lonely insignificant farmer's field? 

You mean next to the sat dishes which are covered by cctv? Don't know, but it wasn't me.

Its not for me to say whether it happened by person or other means and I'm just putting it out there and if you're sceptical, then fine and if you're not, then thats also fine. Too much information is hid these days and while we fight inwardly amongst ourselves, a bigger threat to our survival may be only round the corner

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.............hi there C H , wondered if you had read, Democracy and its Crisis', by Grayling............if not, I recommend it. If you have, what did you think?..........I think our govt. should at least read pages 70 and 71 , that is if they could understand what those pages say and imply.........

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Hi Doc.fixit - no I've not read that Grailing book, but thanks for the recommendation.  I've read What is Good, but hadn't heard about Democracy and its Crisis until you raised it.

Grayling has a lecture on the book which I'll try to find time soon to listen to:

Does he cover p70 and 71?

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