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Bobbie Bobster

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Bobbie Bobster last won the day on September 2 2019

Bobbie Bobster had the most liked content!

About Bobbie Bobster

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  1. .
  2. How much money and at what odds? My retirement fund could do with a boost.
  3. I wonder why you wonder why. I wonder why I wonder. I wonder why I wonder why I wonder why you wonder. Surely, you're joking!
  4. Passengers? Doubt that there's any passengers in air medical or police helicopters. But from a cursory search it does seem as if there may not be regulations for helicopter flight crew and working personnel regarding fire-resistant suits (but there are for immersion suits https://www.caa.co.uk/publication/download/12736), but only recommendations from regulatory authorities and relevant associations, e.g. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10136597/ https://www.airambulancesuk.org/dress-code-air-ambulance-crew/ "The UK’s air ambulance charities do not receive any regular direct Government funding and so rely on public donations and fundraising partnerships to fund their lifesaving missions, including the cost vital pilot and Critical Care Team safety equipment such as flight suits and helmets." There's links on this site if you wish to support UK air ambulances.
  5. Nothing for you here!
  6. Of course when time bombs stop ticking, that's the time to worry.
  7. .
  8. All of this has happened before... Frackin' toasters.
  9. Cracking games and a great finale. Roll on LA!
  10. Exceptionnel!
  11. Elation and despair.
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