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Weird Dreams


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What's the weirdest dream you've had recently?


I had the strangest dream last night.......


I was doing house make-overs with Patrick Kielty (the bloke hosting Celeb Fame Academy) and we were looking around a house which turned out to belong to one of my old school teachers. After discussing decor etc we gave her a price for the renovations. She then climbed up into the top of her wardrobe and threw down huge piece of cheese which she said had been maturing in her wardrobe for the last 10 years......that was our payment! :huh:


Then I woke up.

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I had a disturbing dream that James Wilby was indulging in some particularly graphic sex scenes with David Jason.


I don't usually remember them, but that one is burned into my mind :(

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I had a dream that I adopted a huge dog I met recently when I was back in Thailand. The dog is a mate of mines (who lives in Thai) dog that I was staying with. I threw a huge party to celebrate taking on the dog, then another friend was shagging two of my best mates in my spare room. Then I couldnt find the dog anywhere, and the guy whose dog it was was coming round to see how it was getting on. Then I found the dog curled up under the bed that me mate had been shagging on. The end.

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i have this recurring dream that dinosaurs invade my estate and we have to run and hide from them, and one of our hiding places is our garage! my sister also has exactly the same dream

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I once had a very disturbing dream (though strangely enjoyable....?).


Myself and some workmates were taken into a room at police HQ and all given powerful hand guns and a box of ammo. We were then told that we were allowed to shoot one law breaker a day for the next 3 months. We got to decide who got 'wacked'. It was a new experiment to get the youth crime figures down and to weed out the bad seed. My friend shot the floor with his revolver on the way out of the door and had his gun/ammo taken away from him. He was very upset. I got back into my car, made a list for the first week and load 6 bullets into the chamber. 6, I decided that it would be wrong to kill children on a sunday.......


Make of that what you will? :blink:




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I had a dream where i was at the end of a pier watching some man put my son into a wooden box and then throwing him into the water, he would eventually get out of the box and come to the surface of the water and i would then wake up. But everytime i then went back to sleep i had the dream, several times in 1 night! and everytime i was unable to shout or stop this man doing it! there has to be a meaning here but god knows wot :unsure:

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