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Annoying Adverts On Manx Radio - "they're Different Words, Children."


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I particularly hate the Manx Gas ones, where they are interviewing the 'man in the street' and the interviews seem to be being conducted in a very busy street, with people, cars and lorrries passing busily by. If anyone can tell me where it's recorded here, on this Island, I would be grateful.


and the 'admiring your stainless steel balcony', climbs up to have a better look and it collapses. 'Should have gone to xxxxxxxxx'. Well, I thought it WAS a stainless steel balcony made by these people that was being admired originally and on and on and on.....


My favourite, a few years back, was one for a local opticians chain:

"Hello Mr xxxx, it's the Devil here, I have your cat" something to do with having a cat in hells chance of finding cheap specs.


And those kids and those buns, says a lot for the manx education system as they are still all in the same class three years later and the teacher still hasn't taught them the right words.

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The present one for Raymotors:

"We don't have to sing our praises," (snippet from Hallelujah Chorus) "our customers do it for us" - followed by 'customers' reading from carefully prepared scripts totally lacking in originality or spontaneity.

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I don't understand why Manx Radio contracted a UK based company to do their adverts and jingles anyway. Their ads are crap and stop a lot of people listening to MR. Why not keep the jobs on the Island, or isn't there a similar agency here? Might even reflect our Manx identity then, like the Irish ones do. I'm convinced MR's senior management think we're part of Lancashire.

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( side note: if you dont like Manx Radio why go into a thread marked manx radio?)

God, you're annoying. If you don't know the meaning of the word 'forum' go and look it up.


i would think that the definition you were wanting me to find was ... a public meeting place for open discussion.

very true and i totally agree, but nowhere could i find a definition containing ... place to single out someone for use of incorrect grammar and their views.

i stated i liked manx radio and got attacked by you for how i said it and the fact my view differed from yours.you came into a thread that was speaking to manx radio listeners and when they did not share your view ( which most wouldnt seeing as they were MR listeners ) you got mad.

forums are for discussions on views but you need to be prepared to accept that others views will not be the same as yours. you even went as far as to insult Stu over his career because of it . if you cannot have a grown up conversation and accept that peoples views vary, then maybe you should go back to reception where they can teach you to play nicely with others.


ANYHOW.......back to the topic at hand ... that Spectrum windows advert isnt too bad, i find it funny but the womans voice does get annoying

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( side note: if you dont like Manx Radio why go into a thread marked manx radio?)

God, you're annoying. If you don't know the meaning of the word 'forum' go and look it up.


i would think that the definition you were wanting me to find was ... a public meeting place for open discussion.

very true and i totally agree, but nowhere could i find a definition containing ... place to single out someone for use of incorrect grammar and their views.

i stated i liked manx radio and got attacked by you for how i said it and the fact my view differed from yours.you came into a thread that was speaking to manx radio listeners and when they did not share your view ( which most wouldnt seeing as they were MR listeners ) you got mad.

forums are for discussions on views but you need to be prepared to accept that others views will not be the same as yours. you even went as far as to insult Stu over his career because of it . if you cannot have a grown up conversation and accept that peoples views vary, then maybe you should go back to reception where they can teach you to play nicely with others.


ANYHOW.......back to the topic at hand ... that Spectrum windows advert isnt too bad, i find it funny but the womans voice does get annoying


The Spectrum Windows ad still amuses me every time. However, it only conjures up an image of a cow byre, so I don't think it well sell any windows to me as I don't have a byre. Yes, before anyone replies, I live in a shed.

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( side note: if you dont like Manx Radio why go into a thread marked manx radio?)

God, you're annoying. If you don't know the meaning of the word 'forum' go and look it up.

i would think that the definition you were wanting me to find was ... a public meeting place for open discussion. very true and i totally agree, but nowhere could i find a definition containing ... place to single out someone for use of incorrect grammar and their views. i stated i liked manx radio and got attacked by you for how i said it and the fact my view differed from yours.you came into a thread that was speaking to manx radio listeners and when they did not share your view ( which most wouldnt seeing as they were MR listeners ) you got mad. forums are for discussions on views but you need to be prepared to accept that others views will not be the same as yours. you even went as far as to insult Stu over his career because of it . if you cannot have a grown up conversation and accept that peoples views vary, then maybe you should go back to reception where they can teach you to play nicely with others.

Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent....

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( side note: if you dont like Manx Radio why go into a thread marked manx radio?)

God, you're annoying. If you don't know the meaning of the word 'forum' go and look it up.

i would think that the definition you were wanting me to find was ... a public meeting place for open discussion. very true and i totally agree, but nowhere could i find a definition containing ... place to single out someone for use of incorrect grammar and their views. i stated i liked manx radio and got attacked by you for how i said it and the fact my view differed from yours.you came into a thread that was speaking to manx radio listeners and when they did not share your view ( which most wouldnt seeing as they were MR listeners ) you got mad. forums are for discussions on views but you need to be prepared to accept that others views will not be the same as yours. you even went as far as to insult Stu over his career because of it . if you cannot have a grown up conversation and accept that peoples views vary, then maybe you should go back to reception where they can teach you to play nicely with others.

Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent....

....And you probably won't understand it.

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i remember seeing this sign a long time ago.. wonder if i can find it.......please-do-not-feed-the-troll.jpg


edited to add... My dear Gilly, i do not care what you think of me, or my view, see unlike you i understand that everyones views very from person to person.

i do not try to push my views on others. i can take playfull banter and even the odd flame, but personal attacks are not something i will sit back and take.

i do not care if you think what i say is not intelligent, or even if you can comprehend what i am saying. reply all you want to this post , i will not get mad or upset or cry into my keyboard because of what some troll has to say about me on a forum.



note to mods... is it possible to add a ignore feature? might start to become very helpful from the looks of things :)

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note to mods... is it possible to add a ignore feature? might start to become very helpful from the looks of things :)


Let me help you: all you need to do is block the member's post so that when they post you get this message:


This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by Terse . View it anyway?


It's really that simple. If you really can't stand the suspense you can click on view it anyway or, if you believe it to be only full of vitriol and bitterness since you verbally thrashed them on some other thread, you can just glide over what they've written to the next message. Simples. :D

PS: It is not trolling (thanks for the helpful picture btw) if someone disagrees with you or thinks your posts are inane and says so. Again, spend some time googling 'trolling'. Hope the foregoing helps. Kind regards, Gilly.

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