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Money No Object 'lottery Win' Festival


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Okay, so last week a young couple scooped £45 million on the Euromillions lottery. Very nice indeed but quite frankly, too much money to spend all on your own so it got me thinking, aside from the obvoius things one might do with such a large sum of monies, what else could you do with it? Lo and behold, whilst listening to one of my favourite electronic dance music bands, an idea formed...


So, if I ever get lucky enough, I would put on a series of events for the people of Mann, starting with a music festival. I figure, if I won £45 million that 10% of that should go towards hosting events that wouldn't be economically viable with a population the size of the Isle of Man and one such thing is a 'proper' music festival, with headline acts that would really be welcome but out of budget given the costs of getting them here vs ticket sales.


So, where to hold such an event and what acts to bring over?


Douglas is out of bounds (because I (hypothetically) have the money and I refuse to make it a Douglas-centric event on principle). Where would be big enough to host say, 6 stages and the associated parking / facilities / camping?


What acts would you like to see?


Would £50 per day be a fair price to pay (I'd stump up the cash for the acts but the H&S bollocks, staging/lighting and all the other associated costs would need some form of income to cover them).


It's a pipe dream idea but you never know. I bet that couple never really believed they'd win all that money so it could feasably happen.


Oh and anyone that mentions government / politics in this thread is banned (if I have £45 million at my disposal, I can find out who you are IRL ;) )

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I had a shortlist of people that wouldn't (or couldn't play along with this thread - mainly because they're a bit boring and sad) you weren't on it dude. Go on, post up your thoughts. :)


My personal top 3 acts would be (in no particular order)


1. Orbital

2. The Prodigy

3. Underworld


I'd also want to get The Chemical Brothers, Pendulum, Chase & Status, Nero & Stanton Warriors over (maybe a few more, will think about that).

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You'd probably have to use Jurby. Jurbystock. Ace. Dunno how big Andreas airstrip is, but somewhere up north is probably most sensible.


As for acts, well, you'd maybe get record labels to do whole nights in some tents, like Twisted in the dance tent on the saturday, maybe the Fence Collective on the 2nd stage all day sunday.


Oh, and of course, the Gong family ALL WEEKEND.

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The Bays, ahhhhhhhhh. I don't know what they're up to atm, Si Richardson went off, they got someone new in but their website is still saying "Pause", I still think The Bays played some of the best music I've ever seen, you saw them the same year with the Heritage Orchestra at the big Chill, didn't you? I might be having fake memories but I'm sure I recall a conversation with Mrs Hazard.


Younger Brother, Shpongle, Bonobo, Orientation :)

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That's right, and what an act!! I'd noticed the pause thing their website but am looking at it half full (although I doubt they're off recording or compiling a greatest hits album). It's a great concept though - just turn up and play what you/everyone else wants.

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They've been chatting about doing a Twistival for a couple of years, I did mention this to Mannifest just incase they wanted to get them involved - how good would that be? Aside from half the punters 'not getting' the music, it would be great.


On Saturday night I had my friends round, I've got a snooze clock which sends me to sleep at midnight, so I had a little rest infront of the fire about midnight, do you know what my 'friends' did? Turned off the stereogram that was playing Simian Mobile Disco (which was just starting to get great) and then.....listened to fucking Rianna on a mobile phone, right, mobile phones....NOOOOOOO the music is not reproduced well at all, same goes for live recordings of DJ;s mixing, rubbish quality, what is the point of even listening to that? Had the world not been spinning off kilter I would have protested but luckily I have one decent friend who stopped the 'phone music sesh'

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Here's an idea. You could book a load of pop toss, hasbeens and losers from 'reality' shows, host it in Nobles park, come up with a ridiculous ticket system, give it a snappy meaningless name, and spend months constantly bigging yourself and your event up to insane levels of hype, you know cos its going to be totally fucking GREAT, and sit back and watch as thousands upon thousands buy tickets.


Come on, it's EXACTLY what the Island needs.



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