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Condoms To Go Up To £50 A Pack In Iomg's Ongoing Quest To Profit From The Lifestyles Of The Poor


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I hear that a new consultation document is due out as some genius at IOMG has been alerted to the fact that sex is a pleasurable act that the poor of the Island often engage in. Therefore it is to be proposed by the DoH that the price of a packet of 3 condoms is to be raised to £50 a pack.


With the cost of running a car to go up through MOT tests, and the cost of booze going up to combat alcoholism, the government has worked out that people who can no longer afford to continue with either activity to brighten up their dull existences may well in desperation turn to sexual activity to entertain themselves during the recession. Currently sexual activity is a relatively enjoyable and cheap pastime which generates little revenue for IOMG. However in future IOMG would much rather that, like driving, enjoying alcohol, or having a university education, sexual activity in the Island should really only be reserved for those who can afford it such as tax cappers, and wealthy new residents rather than those who are Manx, poor, or who are struggling to keep things ticking over.


It is intended that the "shagging tax" will be brought in at 12am on new years eve just before all the dark winter evenings in the run up to easter.

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I thought it was funny,but always remember sometimes the Manx Government hear some ideas which sound stupid at first,then if they thought they could get away with it,they would impliment it.

As they say,something said in jest could be taken seriously by some people.

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