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Elite Dangerous


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Anyone going to try the Beta of this launch v soon.


I used to play Elite back in the 80's on the originall BBC Micro, was the best game ever then

Really want to play it, but not beta test for £50. Fair play if they can find punters to fund the rest of the development in this way, but it's not going to be me!
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Yeah, Eve Online took over from that concept a long time ago, apart from the Nostalgia aspect, I do not see the business model here.

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Yeah, Eve Online took over from that concept a long time ago, apart from the Nostalgia aspect, I do not see the business model here.

I don't really see them as similar, space ships aside. I thought Elite Dangerous was more action based than the spreadsheet simulator that Eve is.
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You obviously never went solo mining in 0.0, or pirating wink.png

Heh. It's RPG style though isn't it? Not dogfighting like Elite.


You did not have to fight in original Elite, well you had to escape pirates, you could just concentrate on trading. But to become Elite, you did indeed have to fight.

I've signed up for Beta.indeed already playing even though Beta hasn't started. Its really a joystick game but trying to get a good joystick is almost impossible. Tried Xbox controller but just doesn't cut it

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I was a huge fan of Elite on various computers over the years, but I think my memories are probably a bit rose-tinted. I've recently tried out "Oolite", which is a free updated remake of the original game, and I'm wondering why I never remembered the long, boring waits on the run in to the space station, all that "tedious mucking about in hyperspace" as Douglas Adams put it. Good for its time, I think my memories have perhaps been retro-fitted with some extra excitement that wasn't really there. Saying that, my best Elite memory was being ambushed in space by a huge mob of Thargoids, fighting an epic battle to defeat them, scooping up a bay full of Thargons, then a long journey to a very distant sun so I could scoop fuel to escape. In my moment of triumph, my docking computer then messed up the dock at the space station, the ship crashed and I had to start again.


I hated "Frontier" after Ian Bell parted company with David Braben - long, boring landings on poorly-detailed planets didn't do it for me. I'm looking forward to the new one, but with a little trepidation - Braben seemed to overcomplicate the sequels at the expense of the simple fun of the original.

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  • 1 month later...

New Beta patch has made logins and docking permissions longer, but it's still only beta - we're testing it for them to iron out the bugs.


Are you on Frontiers Elite forum? plenty going on there.


No not on the forums, just playing spasmodically really until it gets a bit nearer release. I know that's not the true spirit of Beta but I only have so much spare time

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  • 2 months later...



You obviously never went solo mining in 0.0, or pirating wink.png

Heh. It's RPG style though isn't it? Not dogfighting like Elite.


You did not have to fight in original Elite, well you had to escape pirates, you could just concentrate on trading. But to become Elite, you did indeed have to fight.

I've signed up for Beta.indeed already playing even though Beta hasn't started. Its really a joystick game but trying to get a good joystick is almost impossible. Tried Xbox controller but just doesn't cut it



Game is great, have to disagree with it being hard to get a good joystick though, I've had several. You not got an Amazon account?!

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