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Anyone enjoy playing boardgames on here?


Either classic games or the variety that have emerged thanks to Catan etc and Wil Wheaton

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Anyone enjoy playing boardgames on here?


Either classic games or the variety that have emerged thanks to Catan etc and Wil Wheaton

Aye. Got a nice little group, started out with Risk, and we've done Catan, Go, the odd game of Poker, Carcasonne etc. Catans a recurring fave though, great game.

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There is a page on Facebook called Board with the Isle of Man or something like that. Some fella called Steve out Peel set it up and organised a get together in March, it seems a bit disorganised but a few of us went along and they seemed nice folk. If you're missing a group of gamers that might be a good spot to look.

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Can't imagine there would be the demand for it


There might be some interest in a regular weekly/monthly gathering to play games, I know the guys in that facebook page tried it but rather selfishly I have a solid little group of 4-6 people who all get on and enjoy playing games. Going to a pub and playing with other people I don't know doesn't instantly appeal to me.

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........Going to a pub and playing with other people I don't know doesn't instantly appeal to me.


Hehe, I remember when you were part of "the Ramsey Krew" at Mannarena nights. By the time you had finished installing a game we would of moved on to a new one......Happy days :D

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........Going to a pub and playing with other people I don't know doesn't instantly appeal to me.


Hehe, I remember when you were part of "the Ramsey Krew" at Mannarena nights. By the time you had finished installing a game we would of moved on to a new one......Happy days biggrin.png



it was always a patch too far

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I run a small private board game group at the moment, based in Douglas, with reasonably regular meetings (about once every 2 weeks). There are about 20 of us, but it's very casual... people turn up if they fancy it... so we tend to have between 4 and 8 people each time. Games we play include the following:


Descent 2nd Edition

Cosmic Encounter

Tajemnicze Domostwo (Mysterium)

Ticket to Ride Europe

Formula D


Sheriff of Nottingham

Terror in Meeple City (aka. Rampage)

Star Realms

The Resistance



Survive, Escape from Atlantis

Black Fleet

War on Terror


I'm always interested in chatting to people who are really into board gaming, or perhaps really want to but don't have a group nearby. If anyone is interested in giving it a go, do get in touch.


I'm also in the process of starting up a larger gaming group meeting at a local Church hall (it's early days at the moment, but some funding has been secured for purchase of games).

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