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Donald Trump


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Suspect it may be DT who has to do the surviving....?


Based on the anger of the liberals, I think you might be right. For all their shouting about being bastions of freedom, they sure are crying when it doesn't go their way.



Democrats. If this is what democratic people do I wouldn't like to meet an undemocratic person down a dark alley.

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and china


Trump wants to break up China? Good luck on that one, at least the resultant world war will be interesting.




usa, russia and china are anti eu



Yet again, please try being an adult and conversing like one. Perhaps if you tried using better grammar people would not need to question what you actually mean. I'm happy to discuss things like an adult anytime, it really would be much more productive and ultimately more satisfying. I might disagree with you on some (not all) things but I at least respect that people are allowed to have different viewpoints.

Edited by mojomonkey
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you are awfully slow at understanding things


Perhaps if you wrote in proper sentences with grammar and everything it would be easier to understand the points you're trying to make. I repeat, I'm quite happy to discuss things in an adult manner if you are as well. As before I might not agree with all you post but I'm adult enough to accept that other people are allowed to have other points of view.

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