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  1. Blimey. You can't say Derek doesn't stimulate interest, can you? On this showing, RTC should install him at the MER terminus as a tourist attraction.
  2. Really. That's poor stock planning.
  3. Perishable food? Perhaps they don't want it rotting on the shelves? Shoprite weren't so fussy.
  4. Our society runs on funds from it, so yes. No finance sector, no money for anything, or certainly nowhere near enough.
  5. You did notice the inverted commas? That's not my view, but Spain's frequently expressed view of Gib. There are those living among us who see our finance sector in the same light, but they never say what they'd replace it with.
  6. Actually, I think a lot of us DO really appreciate how good we've got it. That's why we're here and why we stay here. We just don't want it ruining, and a lot of the ideas and practices that ruin it came from over there. (And I'm English.)
  7. I'm not sure you can draw a link between the two whatever the review says about us. Two very different jurisdictions, but yes, your sentiment is something we should all agree on for the good of the Island. Although there will always be those here who want our own "criminal harbouring finance centre", as they see it, closed down, despite taking a living off the back of it as we all do.
  8. Why? Serious question. Thought you liked the Fylde and were well settled there. Is it a case of the famous Isle of Man claws won't let go?
  9. Clumsily conflating issues to suit prejudices. It's a local thread so to try to put it back on topic, there is no factor involving Spain that would have the consequence of Moneyval going easier on Gib than on IOM.
  10. Yes, naturally they wouldn't vote for Brexit because they are a tiny promontory at the southern edge of Europe and their only frontier is with Spain. I'm not sure what point you are trying to make. Ask them if they prefer British or Spanish sovereignty and the result is even more overwhelming. Of course they don't want yet another siege. There is nothing brainwashed or deluded about the UK leaving the EU. It's looking like a wiser move as time goes on. I won't continue with this on a local thread.
  11. Indeed it does. Especially when you are waiting to cross the frontier. Spent many happy hours in the queue there. Most of the time we just walk across. See previous answers for other points.
  12. Undoubtedly, but the thrust of your argument in context was that Moneyval would go easier on Gibraltar than it would on the Isle of Man because of some close relationship with Spain. Yes, people from La Linea and the wider Campo work in Gibraltar, but there is no official relationship between the Spanish Government and the Government of Gibraltar. On the contrary, Spain does not recognise the legitimacy of the territory at all, and reverts to London over any matter concerning it. Spain wants the criminal harbouring finance centre, as they see it, closed down. They will hardly be facilitating it through an international finance forum. You missed the other part of the Gibraltar Schengen declaration. It was supposed to be concluded in 6 months. Almost 4 years later nothing has happened. Don't hold your breath.
  13. You can't teach me anything about the relationship, thank you. I am well aware of the cross frontier ebb and flow, but the political imperative around the disputed 300 year old Treaty of Utrecht transcends all of it. It's little to do with Brexit. More to do with ancient history and national pride for which Madrid would happily throw the population of the Campo to the wolves in return for their flag flying over The Convent. Not like they haven’t tried it before. There is no close relationship between Spain and Gibraltar, just mutual antipathy and the de facto situation on the ground. Don't expect Gib to join Schengen any time soon.
  14. Possibly the most breathtakingly ridiculous words I've ever read on here, which is really saying something. Gibraltar has NO ties with Spain, close or otherwise. In fact, Spain does everything in its power at every turn to try to bring down Gibraltar.
  15. Why is the choice of language all? Why does it matter? Suicide is just a word. It hardly even applies to someone who is imminently going to die anyway, and merely wants to alleviate their suffering. Religious commentators have insisted on calling the process suicide to give it an air of being somehow unwholesome or maybe sinful.
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