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Nintendo NES (also Q about emulators)


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Coming out in November? With 30 built in games. I admit, I never played on any of the Nintendo consoles except the Game Boy and only had a couple of games.


I'm interested to know if there is already an option to buy an emulator to play these games on the PC, something for people not IT wizards? Legally, as opposed to going on some dodgy torrent and having to mess about with complex coding?



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Not sure about pre-built machines but building an emulator on a Raspberry Pi is pretty easy and cheap too. Pretty sure they are legal as the games involved are old and the respective companies encourage coding development. It is a little bit nerdy but there are loads of websites that will walk you through it step by step, such as:







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Thanks, I will have a look at those later on this evening.


There was recently a new "game" on Steam which was I think an emulator and had a bunch of retro games on it. Over a hundred? I think they were PC only. Anyone had a go on that? Not sure if it's worth it?

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Give Retroarch a try on your PC, pretty sure it's free and there's a donate option if you enjoy it.


I run RetroBox TV on my android box (Shield TV) which has quite a few emulators built in, lots of old games from the Atari to NES available to download with a bit of searching around.

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Sorry, is that on a laptop or a phone?


An Android Box is basically a small, cheap computer that runs the Android system. They are typically used as media players but can be used for other things, the Raspberry Pi isn't technically an Android Box but can run various different operating systems.

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  • 4 months later...

I had a go on a mini NES, it's tiny, about the size of three nes controllers put together. They are wired however and the cable isn't very long (one meter if that) so that's a major downside.


It's good fun, just wish the controllers were wireless.

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