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Everything posted by llap

  1. 'The thing about smart people is that they seem like crazy people to dumb people.' Stephen Hawking
  2. Despite, as Jimmy Carter (a liberal Democrat) said, being the most unfairly treated (by the media) president in modern history, and despite being being an independent candidate (albeit, running via the Republican Party): - Massive increase in stock market value - Reduction in unemployment to pre-2000 levels (i.e. over 8 years before the 2008 economic crash) - Ended the Trans-Pacific Partnership (pretty much setting back the New World Order by decades) - Forced China to take takes to rein in North Korea - ISIS is being defeated instead of supported like under Obama - Increased home ownership - Wall with Mexico currently ongoing - Major and lobbying and election finance reform - Reduction in taxes and regulations Pretty amazing considering he's an outsider who is trying to drain the swamp, has only been in a short time, and is universally being demonised by the media and the many hundreds of millions of brainwashed simpleton retards who believe media lies.
  3. If you relied entirely on the mainstream media for your information about Trump's successes, you'd think he hadn't done anything. But I actually do my own research. Even though Trump is demonised daily and can do no good (even if he invented a cure to cancer they'd moan), behind the scenes he's accomplished an amazing amount for the United States, especially for the economy. You can call me a nut all you want, but the fact is you're an idiot.
  4. Nigel Farage takes phone calls on his radio show to discuss Donald Trump's presidency after one year. (For the record, my own rating for Donald Trump's performance is 10/10, or A*).
  5. One of my parents is English so I should be eligible to apply for EU citizenship.........?
  6. My passport says I'm a British citizen. Surely that gives me the same rights as any other British citizen?
  7. As far as I can tell, it is that amount when you don't factor in the rebate. The final figure is still something like 250 million?
  8. Did you know that genes turn themselves on and off in space? They do! And it looks something like fireworks. Learn more: http://go.nasa.gov/2xnQn3w
  9. Chinahand, what do you make of the theory that Saturn is an artificial construct broadcasting a signal to earth, with the moon being a signal amplifier?
  10. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
  11. I think Trump is doing a terrific job. Everything they attack him with is returned back on them. Watching Trump with the media and other detractors is like watching pure genius at work.
  12. One of my dead great grandfathers was born in Ramsey. Do I qualify as a Ramseyite?
  13. No, his doppelganger doesn't walk to the opposite side of the street when spotting me.
  14. I only ever see him in Douglas.
  15. I was in Ramsey not long ago. I haven't got a clue where anything is anymore. Does that little "arcade" of shops still exist, where there was like a tunnel between them, a cafe on one side, and I think it went out into what was a car park to I think Safeway, and further along on the car park area there was a shop that sold surplus army clothing, etc. Is the big toy shop still in Ramsey? What about the Chuck Wagon? Oh, and I remember there used to be a shop in the main street that used to sell weird things like moon rings and crystals. Ooooh, think I'm going to have to set aside a full day and go up and explore.
  16. Please do. I find Chinahand's trolling very disruptive.
  17. Lol. Rhumsaa himself has publicly outed another forum member so it'd be quite amusing if the mods actually enforced the rules against someone for "outing" him. Frankly I doubt Rhumsaa cares, as he's never posted an original thought or anything remotely controversial in his life (via that name).
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