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Everything posted by llap

  1. I do put up flags on her birthday actually. I also bake cupcakes.
  2. Me too. With so much change -- mostly for the worse -- in the world, to have had the same monarch since 1952/3 is truly a source of stability and reassurance. HM is like a lighthouse amidst a great storm. Long live the Queen -- and long may her deadbeat enemies F O.
  3. As a matter of fact, you commie SOB, the Royals do matter. They represent historical continuity. Queen Elizabeth II is a direct descendant of William the Conqueror. If you have a problem with that, I suggest you meet up with the HER MAJESTY'S armed forces at Hastings and submit your complaint. Bring Comrade Corbyn with you.
  4. I was being ironic.
  5. Hey, who is she? She's really cute.
  6. I doubt he's really been there. Nearest to Paris he's probably been is the bottom of Summerhill.
  7. What kind of strange question is that. No wonder people think this forum is a bit retarded.
  8. Okay, so you're aware of the occult history of the area and how her murder was obviously a human sacrifice. I don't know anything about her being pregnant. I doubt they'd bump her off just for that. That's just silly conspiracy theory.
  9. Princess Diana. He threatened to have her killed and make it look like a car accident and then lo and behold she dies in a "car accident". Yeh right. Blatant occult ritual murde if you care to research the events and exact location in Paris where it happened.
  10. Hopefully Charles. Murdering scumbag.
  11. Yeh, quilp beat you to that joke about 90 years ago.
  12. Where the hell did Derek disappear to? I thought his reading for me was absolutely bang on, almost spooky in its accuracy.
  13. For the record, I can read tarot cards too but they are completely retarded.
  14. I just cleared all my phone's cookies and notice the mobile version of the site looks different. It looks nice, though might it be more data intensive?
  15. Oh and I suppose following the logic of suspicion that means I'm responsible for it. No, I actually have a thing called a life I'm too busy with to be posting strange posts under a ridiculous name like mystic Derek ffs.
  16. You'd think the CM would ditch the bishop and get Derek into LegCo. £5 per reading would be a bargain by comparison to how much we pay the bishop to pontificate from a magic book.
  17. I'd like a reading for myself, the above idiots and for the IOM Government as an organisation.
  18. I used to enjoy watching his show for a laugh. Anyone remember the one where he got "possessed" by a ghost pirate and tried to feel up Yvette? There was another one where the ghost of a dead cult leader turned out to be a reincarnated extraterrestrial. Really riveting television. Lol
  19. Is there any point to the arguments here? Everyone seems to have made up their minds.
  20. Let's talk about post modernity. Is it time to give it up and accept reality? I watched a most excellent lecture on YouTube earlier by Dr Gorka about how to fight ISIS and international jihad. Apparently post modernity and the ideological belief in relativism and equality of all cultures is holding us back from victory and perpetuating the war well into the next century.
  21. Looks like Richard stopped posting just after I suggested the job centre. My work here is done.
  22. He may be in the 10 percent but the bottom 90% of it.
  23. You haven't made any points.
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