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Everything posted by llap

  1. My point was just in reply to lxxx. I don't think he should take delight in the ignorance of people such as yourself because sadly there are so many of you and most of you are completely irrational or incapable of critical independent thinking that no argument or proof is enough to sway many of you. Rather than taking delight, I find it thoroughly depressing to be informed and aware in a society largely ignorant and mind controlled.
  2. 37? Wow, I hope I'm not as ignorant as you when I get that old.
  3. Sadly, Richard's moronic arguments are representative of about 90% of people I know IRL thanks to our biased and dishonest fake news media like the BBC.
  4. As long as you're not living off my taxes, I don't care what you do.
  5. I find my job very enjoyable and rewarding, actually.
  6. Nothing wrong with the job I have thanks. But isn't that wage slavery? Uh oh...another llap hypocritical slip up. So you're paid (or pay yourself) to post on here 24/7? Yes, it is wage slavery but "it is what it is", as the slaveowners are quick to remark.
  7. If not exams and coursework, how about visiting the job centre....
  8. Unelected? To whom are you referring? I'm betting on unelected bureaucrats seeing as that's what he said. But they are elected...Nigel Farage was making plenty of cash being our elected representative (even though his attendance was sketchy at best) It's the unelected officials of the European Commission, not the EU parliament, which formulates and implements policy. Don't they teach politics in school anymore? So what we Farage and his other UKIP MEPs being paid to do other than not attend votes and eat expensive meals? Making a lot of noise in protest and successfully initiating a referendum back home?
  9. Unelected? To whom are you referring? I'm betting on unelected bureaucrats seeing as that's what he said. But they are elected...Nigel Farage was making plenty of cash being our elected representative (even though his attendance was sketchy at best) Yes Farage took over £100k a year for more than 10 years to achieve nothing of substance at all for the people who voted for him as MEP. It's great that such an unashamed lazy chancer got the backing of the UK public over Brexit having shamelessly ripped them off for the previous 10 years having had a lovely life on the EU payroll pretending to be an MEP. That's the point: MEPs have no power to do anything.
  10. Unelected? To whom are you referring? I'm betting on unelected bureaucrats seeing as that's what he said. But they are elected...Nigel Farage was making plenty of cash being our elected representative (even though his attendance was sketchy at best) It's the unelected officials of the European Commission, not the EU parliament, which formulates and implements policy. Don't they teach politics in school anymore?
  11. Pretty ridiculous to speak of wanting independence or democracy while saying she wants to stay in the EU and be ruled by unelected beurocrats in Brussels. Is she taking the piss?
  12. What do you mean, no fluoride? Fluoride is perfectly fine in toothpaste. I brush twice a day and floss at night and have no dental problems. The last time I saw a dentist was over a year ago and it was just a routine checkup and no dental work was required.
  13. I've never had a school dentist. This was an NHS dentist who went private because money is god. The later dentist took a number of the fillings out and they've not needed to be refilled since. I assume it was based on XRAY.
  14. Because an NHS dentist told me they had been unnecessary and he or she even guessed which idiot had done them. An absolute money making scam.
  15. A well known bitch of a dentist filled my mouth with fillings that weren't needed. I won't mention the cow's name.
  16. Yes, you do. I don't think he'd fit in.
  17. Only people in Ramsey would argue that Ramsey as a community ought to decide the future of their town centre? You are wrong.
  18. No, he hasn't. He was just speaking up for Ramsey residents.
  19. Still, he's quite amusing. Long may he continue.
  20. PS I spotted Chinahand in M&S yesterday morning.
  21. i thought we, erm, i mean they had all been banned from using mf in work hours? Since they never do any work that's a lot of hours spare.
  22. It doesn't take much to spot a MF poster. Just stand outside government offices at 8.55am, 11.59am, 12.59pm or 4.59pm Monday to Friday.
  23. I watched Amadeus a few days ago.
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