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  1. What is it all about? 1. Ben Gurion canal 9taking over from Suez, might be an "accident" there.) 2. Gaza gas fields (Israel become the new gas provider for Europe) Problem Gaza. Solution remove Gaza.
  2. Is there a way to bring these councilors to account? The Roundhouse fiasco warrants investigation. The borrowing of another large long term debt to do what they should be doing is very odd. I presume more large loans will be required in due course. Can a government appointed auditor step in to look into what has been going on, and prosecute if warranted? If the council cannot manage money prudently and are extravagantly wasting ratepayers money there must be a mechanism to deal with it. Too late for the next elections (and the birds will have flown by then).
  3. The windfarm on Bucks Road already costs more than £40 million per annum. Lots of spinning, not much production.
  4. The Summerland Disaster | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hRNhosh8Lk There were other unpleasant details which came out in the inquest. In my opinion a whitewash.
  5. One, two, three, four...five Seen on ThreeFM news: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp4NBNi3miQ
  6. Germany: "With a historic vote, Germany has reached a milestone in drug policy by legalizing recreational cannabis for personal use, though without allowing retail sales. Today, Germany's federal parliament, the Bundestag, passed legislation legalizing recreational cannabis for personal use in the country. The bill received support from 407 MPs, while 226 voted against it, with four abstaining. The Bundesrat, Germany's legislative body representing the sixteen Länder at the federal level, will examine the bill, but its "consent," which differs from approval, is not binding. The law (named Cannabis Act or CanG) will come into effect on April 1 for possession and cultivation, while the cannabis social clubs are anticipated to become operational starting from July 1. With this move, Germany becomes the third European Union member state, after Malta and Luxembourg, to legalize recreational cannabis for personal use. It is also a significant moment for Europe, as the largest economy in the EU has legalized cannabis for personal use after emerging as one of the biggest markets for medical cannabis." https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/23/germany-on-track-to-partly-legalise-cannabis-for-personal-use-after-heated-debate https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68378807 https://www.forbes.com/sites/dariosabaghi/2024/02/23/germany-becomes-the-third-eu-country-to-legalize-cannabis-for-personal-use/
  7. More reading from those who did the executions: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Pierrepoint https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ellis_(executioner)
  8. Nitrogen hypoxia is allegedly an easy way to go, and may be the gas referred to by those not going to Dignitas and similar. It is used as a diving gas (trimix, nitrox). Go beyond 140' and you risk nitrogen narcosis, a happy way to die. https://dive.site/blog/diving-gas-mixes/ Here are some links and resources for those who wish to look into this. WARNING - do not watch if of a sensitive disposition https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/21/what-are-risks-of-nitrogen-gas-execution Documentary - Horizon How to kill a human being https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228865/plotsummary/?ref_=tt_ov_pl https://www.documentarytube.com/videos/how-to-kill-a-human-being-2/ And this as well: A "Good" Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i_8IXyCCls "Oxygen Deprivation: In a nitrogen hypoxia scenario, a person is exposed to an environment containing a high concentration of nitrogen gas and little to no oxygen. When a person breathes in this atmosphere, they continue to exhale carbon dioxide but do not receive the necessary oxygen for their body to function properly. Rapid Loss of Consciousness: As the nitrogen replaces oxygen in the bloodstream, the person experiences a rapid decrease in oxygen levels, leading to hypoxia (oxygen deficiency). This can cause symptoms such as confusion, dizziness, and impaired judgment. Loss of consciousness typically occurs quickly, within a matter of seconds to a few minutes, depending on the concentration of nitrogen and the individual's overall health. Death: If the person is not removed from the nitrogen-rich environment and given access to oxygen, the lack of oxygen will ultimately lead to irreversible brain damage and death. Nitrogen hypoxia is considered relatively painless because it doesn't induce the suffocating sensation associated with other methods of asphyxiation, such as hanging or drowning. Instead, individuals typically lose consciousness rapidly, and death follows without the distressing struggle for breath. However, it's important to note that using nitrogen hypoxia for any purpose, especially as a method of execution, raises ethical and legal concerns in many places, and its use is subject to regulation. Nitrogen hypoxia is sometimes used in controlled environments, such as laboratories, for experiments or to euthanize animals, where the method can be carefully controlled to minimize suffering. When used for such purposes, it is done with the utmost care to ensure safety and ethical considerations are met."
  9. It is winter and my feet are cold. Realising the issue is the suspended floor is not insulated. Floor is cold and feet are cold. This is a typical 70's build. Chipboard floor, joists, air gap, air bricks. Reading up no many appear to have dealt with this, 3% maybe. Procedure is lift boards Install a ‘vapour open’ membrane below your floor joists if you have crawling space. It has to be vapour open to allow the exit of any moist warm air to stop interstitial condensation. Preferred method would be using fibrous insulation such as sheep’s wool, hemp, fibreglass, rockwool etc and not rigid board because it works better between timbers as it takes up any imperfections and movement of the timbers. Result should be warm feed and a better insulated house. Has anyone here had this done? Any recommendations for someone to do this work (and at what price for a typical room). Roll on summer and warmer feet.
  10. The data at the source you gave is only to 2020. What are the figures to 2023 (useless govt should know): https://iompopulationatlas.paulcraine.im/blog/index/view/id/33/Births have fallen for a tenth consecutive year In 2020 Departures 938, Arrivals 660. I think births have dropped still further, may I suggest 600 although I think it is even less? 1040 departures less say 600 arrivals is a population decline of 440. On 84000 population that is a decline of 0.5% per annum. Expect fewer schoolchildren. Maybe a significant fall in pensioners as well, less for the govt to pay out. Some real figures would be good. Wonder if they are being kept back?
  11. It would be good to have some data on arrivals and departures, and the trends over the last decade. I have not seen any current data. Departures appear to be at around 20 per week from the announcements in local papers. 20 per week x 52 = 1040 per annum. Population say 84,000. 1.24% of the population are departing every year now. Arrivals - I have no data. Curious to know.
  12. Take it back further. What if WW1 had been avoided, and all those interlocking treaties were not activated. That war impoverished many of the aging empires and brought about their destruction (whilst at the same time enriching the banksters and "Central Banks"). It was also the root of all that followed to this day. Change and independence was demanded, and the old system had to go. Said to be unavoidable, maybe it was. Or go back a little earlier to the establishment of the "Federal Reserve" in 1913. Powerful interests and a famous quote about controlling the money supply. On the Titanic which sank in 1912 were the three people who allegedly could have stopped this. I understand only about 20 ships have been sunk by icebergs, odd. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ships_sunk_by_icebergs ) What-ifs are a recipe for madness. What was done was done.
  13. I saw Bjorn Again a long time ago. Fully approved lookey likey band, possibly as good as the originals. Australian and look as if they only tour out there: https://www.bjornagain.com.au/ I think there are similar bands. Look at the review and take your pick. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3CSFCP7eaI
  14. Computer Weekly was also sounding the alarm early on: https://www.computerweekly.com/feature/Post-Office-Horizon-scandal-explained-everything-you-need-to-know
  15. Amadeus's Picture of Failure Arrow - a backup ship. Mxm cannot do it alone. Ben - Old ship was to be sold off. Still needed? Fast boat at end of life. That is also to be sold/replace. Expensive. Manxman - Side by Side comparison, twice the size of the Ben. No wonder it is having issues.
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