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Everything posted by llap

  1. Enough. Returning to the topic......... Do we have any statistics on radio listening here? I'm curious if radio listening is going up or down and what stations people here listen to. Do the BBC have statistics on IOM listeners for Radio 1, 2, 3, 4, etc?
  2. Plus the division between east and west Germanty was created by America and the west, not the Soviets. The idea that the Berlin Wall was an evil wall put up by the Soviets to keep people in or out is one of the greatest PR fabrications of the 20th century.
  3. I do envy the generation before me who didn't have all this computer, technology and smartphones. I'm just thankful I was still born at a time when kids didn't start to have mobile phones in school until I was on my way out. It's true that these things can serve to empower people and make life easier; at the same time, I think they make it too easy to find information, to the point that people now have no attention span and don't retain knowledge or engage in serious analysis of information. Need an answer to a question? Just google it. No consideration that what is on the internet is most likely wrong or a superficial answer. It's not as if they're going on JSTOR and reading peer-reviewed journals to find answers. They're literally going onto the first page that google comes up with, which is usually Wikipedia, which can be edited by anyone. It's no substitute for real research or learning. People are being dumbed down.
  4. It's hard to say because of the two world wars. I love everything about the 1920s but if you were born too early, you'd have been called up, and if you were born too late you'd have been called up in another war. But for a brief moment, as long as you were in the minority of wealthy people, it was the greatest decade to be alive. I think everything started to go downhill after 1950.
  5. Declan is one of those boring music snobs who believe anything mainstream, popular or available to the masses is bad even if it's good. Does it not stand that sometimes something can be so good that it really does reasonate with a lot of people? It's a logical fallacy to say anything popular must be bad. Mozart is mainstream, popular and available to the masses too and yet probably the greatest musician of all time. Declan even dismisses knowledge about early Pink Floyd (a group he doesn't even like) if it was learned easily via YouTube or the internet and why does he dismiss it? Because that's too easy and accessible. Unless it's completely esoteric and learned through esoteric means, Declan will reject it. This is snobbery for the sake of snobbery.
  6. The Wall isn't my favourite Pink Floyd album, I was just pointing to it as a work of genius. I agree that Dark Side of the Moon and Wish You Were Here are much better. So is The Division Bell. But their early stuff, I do like a few bits but even the few good songs seem to be like 10 minutes long and 8 minutes of ear-numbing noise.
  7. Declan, you are talking nonsense. Pink Floyd only started to become original and creatively at their peak after Sid Barrett had left. The two geniuses and talents of Pink Floyd were Roger Waters and David Gilmour. Roger Waters is the one who imbued it with the political and philosophical undertones which really made and continues to make them stand out. The Wall is a masterpiece and true work of genius. Sid Barrett was obviously involved during the development of the band toward an experience rather than something you sit and dance to. The description of sitting quietly and listening is hardly something that began after Sid Barrett left. It had already started while he was there, as you can see from interviews between the band and a vocal conservative music critic who felt the music was childish (this was back when Sid Barrett was still there and lucid).
  8. Yes there are a few good songs. I like A Sauceful of Secrets. But overall it was shit and I still don't understand the whole worship of Sid Barrett. The guy was a knob.
  9. I'd give them both 5 out of 5 and one. Preferably together.
  10. I like The Endless River but it really shouldn't have been released as a stand alone album. It should have appeared as a B side or second CD for a 20th or 25th anniversary special edition of The Division Bell. Also, their very early stuff was shit.
  11. Murphy's law and all that....
  12. Talking Heads would be a lot less boring and maybe even worth a listen if it was really like that.
  13. The threads about Manx Radio are more interesting than Manx Radio itself. Also, that bloke whose name I don't know but who is always accused of being behind any negative criticism of Manx Radio (because after all, nobody could possibly have anything negative to say about such a shit radio station unless they have an axe to grind), I think it would be entertaining to put him on the air and have an argument or something. Can it be arranged?
  14. Meow meow meow meow meow

  15. I was very relieved to narrowly avoid stepping in dog shit the other day. Really made me laugh a few hours later and someone else had left a big shoe print in it. I bet they weren't pleased.
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