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Everything posted by llap

  1. Well there is always the small claims court or perhaps an arrangement could be made to pay it off bit by bit. He's obviously down on his luck and doesn't have the money sat in his bank account (meaning even via the small claims, he'd be eligible to request the court allow him to pay it bit by bit and they'd almost certainly grant it given his circumstances).
  2. I think you confused eludes with alludes.
  3. To be normal, is to be a boring cock. I like weird.
  4. To be fair, he seems like a decent bloke and if he says there is corruption or anything I will take him at his word as I have witnessed this myself in government.
  5. Thanks. I was hoping for some hysterical Alex Jones InfoWars style video.
  6. Isn't Christian the bumhole who wasted all the money on the retarded gum cleaner?
  7. Look, I don't have time to listen to the video. Can someone post or PM me a breakdown of exactly what is going on and what is being said. #confused
  8. I've always considered him part of the Establishment.
  9. That's old news. There are thousands of satellites surrounding our planet.
  10. With a non-answer like that, you should consider running for public office.
  11. No, a one paragrapher.
  12. I'm not trolling, I've just given up posting anything beyond one liners. What's the point in posting much more than that? I used to post long essay like posts but I'd only be trolled or knobs like Chinahand as soon as I post a proper refutation of their post or i post a proper defence of my position, well then they just ignore the post as a whole and focus on one tiny little thing in it and change the subject or else ignore the post altogether. So I'll stick with one liners -- you don't deserve anything more from me.
  13. I agree. I apologise for including myself but certainly Thomas Jefferson, FRK and Skeletor are really good posters.
  14. All very good posters.
  15. John Wright, Chinahand, Roger Mexico, RIchard Britten --- all morons.
  16. I give up. You lot are clearly not too bright.
  17. The number of DIRECT descendants is not 75%. Maybe INDIRECT will be a percentage in single digits but DIRECT descendants are really few and far between.
  18. Red herring. I'm talking about direct descent. It is a matter of fact that Her Majesty is a direct patrilineal descendant of King William I. I'm certainly related to him myself but it's indirect. I am however directly descended from the Norse kings.
  19. Let the beautiful sound of this song enter your ears into your empty head, commie scum
  20. PS Because I just love saying it, GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!!!!!! We are truly blessed to have such a great lady as our monarch.
  21. You can follow mathematical algorithms based on random, impersonal statistics and arrive at an erroneous conclusion totally isolated from historical reality. Or you can actually do research like me and have an in-depth knowledge and photographic memory of all the major royal and aristocratic houses of Europe. I've been studying royal biographies since I was 4 years old. I don't mean Ladybird books for kids, I mean proper books by Oxford and Cambridge scholars. I can categorically say with full informed certainty that what chinahand claims is 100% bullshit. Thank you.
  22. 3/4 of the population DIRECT descendants of King William I. Truly Chinahand has made the most retarded comment on this forum. Ever.
  23. No, you are talking complete nonsense again, as you did when you made erroneous claims about so-called "Jewish" DNA. As any Orthodox Rabbi will tell you, there's no such thing, you half wit. I think they'd use the term putz, shlomo or Schmuck rather than half wit though, just in the interest of accuracy.
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