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Bobbie Bobster

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Being 4 episodes in now, I can't shake the feeling that it's going to turn out a bit like Lost, with too many things happening and no clear idea amongst the writers as to where they're going with it.


With Jonathan Nolan involved I would be hoping that it's not the case, but the grim spectre of JJ lurks in the background...

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I did exactly the same. I dismissed it as a bog standard procedural a few episodes in but then I started to see all the positive noise a couple of years later so I binged S1 and 2 and I was hooked. They still had elements of the "case of the week" but there was a much longer narrative that started becoming more embedded in each episode from the end of S1 onwards. It posed a lot of deep philosophical questions from S3 as it introduced dystopian overtones of a computer controlled future.


I've watched a lot of American TV series to completion and POI has two episodes in my Top 10 of all time. If-Then-Else (S04E11) is sheer brilliance from start to finish and takes you on a proper roller coaster of emotion from laughter to sadness and the Return 0 (S05E13) delivered one of the most satisfying and complete finales you will see to a show.


I get the breathless delivery being annoying, but the writers became self aware of that and actually turned it into a few in jokes throughout. In fact, the writing really improved and the characters became fully fleshed. The only character I wasn't a big fan of was Root (appears from S2 through to the end) but apparently I'm in the minority there.


Sorry for the derail but it's well worth revisiting if you have a gap in your TV schedule.

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  • 1 month later...

Spoilers below!!










Au contraire, the way they knitted the story threads together and also exposed the timeshifting was well written I thought. I can kind of see what it's building towards over a couple of seasons, and they way they've plugged into the current AI zeitgeist is thoughtful.


Oh, and just because something Ford-shaped got shot in the head doesn't necessarily mean that Hopkins is done with it!

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I thought it was brilliantly executed TV. However, I was deep down in the Reddit rabbit hole on this one so I was exposed to all the theories, the easter eggs and all the collective group analysis that really helped with the viewing. It wasn't a show for a casual fan who wants things more straightforward. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I watch my fair share of crappy procedural TV series and bad dramas, but this was a show that wants you to be invested in the philosophy and ethics of the story.


Stylistically, I think the show has enough legs to carry a proportion of befuddled fans and in Nolan we trust, but they do need to make sure they're catering for all viewing types because viewing numbers are what allows a show to continue, especially one with that budget.


One Reddit thread I found incredibly useful was this one, which was updated after every episode with the timeline as we understood it. If you have questions around how it all fits together, then that's a good thing to pore over


Regarding Ford though, Nolan and Joy are being coy about it all (as you'd expect) but nothing in this show was done or said without a purpose. So this is either a big clue, or they're fucking with us



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