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Trump gives Jerusalem away

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There is a minor connection to the IoM and only posted here as I feel very strongly. Wonder if there are any other small countries more deserving of our help, like Yemen. 

It's not well known that during the the pullout of the South Lebanese Army there was a plan to place literally tonnes of explosives in sport stadium ahead of a political rally. It would have killed between 60000 and 100000. That's the past. They're lovely people, yes, I have been there. 

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A very wise friend compared the latest war by Israel as akin to a five year old trying to fight a heavyweight boxer who didn't hold his punches while using precision weapons and incendiaries in the world's most densely populated area.

Don't take my word for it. Read the EU report on it. Gaza remains an effective concentration camp.

Where's the UN condemnation? And, no, this isn't about religion. It's one of the most disgusting disparities in wealth anywhere. The rich are stealing family businesses with impunity.

Wasn't there a lot of press in the local stuff about Isle of Man and its foreign aid budget. I'd like to hear our future leaders on that.

You've all Google, check it out and do something, they need it. Pray for peace. War will only make it worse.


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The power of modern bombs is sobering. The Israelis may have issued warnings and the building was empty but my goodness what carnage. 

A thirst for revenge is a dangerous emotion to stoke. Not sure how this advances their aims. 


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