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Have I Done The Right Thing?


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Where i live in me little flat, we are having an increasing number of problems, with teenagers(uk)


Its a nice estate, newly built housing association flats(6) and the rest houses.


Kids are hanging around till all hours, have discovered alcohol and have taken to camping out, pretty much under my window.

Not being boy scouts they are tending to retire at about 4am after hours of 'high spirits'


The community wardens have been out...reassured us that it will not happen again, the police are not interested.


About 10.30pm i went out for a fag, lo and behold a number of sleeping bags, a tent, rucksack etc. slat over the fence on a patch of grass, kids off somewhere boozing to return to thier lair later.


Now thier outdoor equipment is in the back of my car, will be slat back on the green in the morning, any enqiuries this evening/morning they will be directed to lost property at the police staion.


Have i done the right thing?

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Hard one to call. Taking their stuff is stealing, no matter what the situation. But then again, I understand the annoyance and especially when the police won't react, sometimes you do have to take matters into your own hands. Guess it's up to your own mind if you have done the right thing or not.

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I suppose it's better than torching it while they're using it, even though that's a tempting thought.

Seriously though, I don't know what to say. Where I used to live we had a lot of grief and the police didn't want to know till several of us (neighbours) all went out at the same time with our dogs and gave the little xxxxs the fright of their lives, then it ended up us getting told off by the sodding police! for taking the law into our own hands. It did get rid of the little buggers for quite a while though.

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To complicate matters a little, one of the lads dad was in prison for manslaughter (Stabbed a guy over drugs)

2 weeks ago he killed himself in prison, 4 weeks before he was due out on parole.


Difficult, but mums out with her new boyfriend..not really hopefull of a mature response to my concerns.

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Taking their stuff is stealing, no matter what the situation.


I'll put it back of course come the morning.


Being pedantic, the definition of theft is, in England and Wales, the Theft Act 1968 defines it as: "...the dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other (the owner or person in lawful possession) of it."


Sounds like you've borrowed it :D

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About 10.30pm i went out for a fag, lo and behold a number of sleeping bags, a tent, rucksack etc. slat over the fence on a patch of grass, kids off somewhere boozing to return to thier lair later.


Now thier outdoor equipment is in the back of my car, will be slat back on the green in the morning, any enqiuries this evening/morning they will be directed to lost property at the police staion.





you are a naughty naughty boy

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To cover yourself you should take the goods to the local nick and hand them in as being found property and do so ASAP.


You should also explain the circimstances to ensure that some helpful policeman dosn't give the little darlings the name and address of the kind guy who fould their belongings.


Right now you have taken your life in your hands in more ways than one.

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Must admit I agree with Alex.

All there doing is having a few beers and camping out, if on the other hand you or your property gets damaged that's another thing for the police to sort out.

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Must admit I agree with Alex.

All there doing is having a few beers and camping out, if on the other hand you or your property gets damaged that's another thing for the police to sort out.


Must admit that 'just camping out' being noisy outside my house until 4am would wind me up as well - I like my sleep.


How did it all turn out in the end Marcus?

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I must admit if people were causing me to stay awake when I wanted to sleep and I had an answer to the problem I would use it.

It is the Isle of Man for Christ's sake, there are so many places isolated places far from habitation. I am sure they can go somewhere else.


As sympathetic as you can be towards the fact that one of the kids has had a rough time, may account for the drinking to an extent, but still it isn't right they are making a nuisance.


If only it was a simply enough thing to procure a spotlight and train it on their little encampment.

It might be simply enough that they realise people are aware of them that they shouldn't leave their stuff about. Might make them move on.

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What happened to the days that you could just ask kids to move on and play somewhere else without any repercussion Why should adults be scared of what kids will do to them if they don't like being told to do something.


God I know I sound old, but is it too much to ask for people to have respect for their elders - and this isn't limited to just teenagers either.

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Not sure. Maybe elders don't command respect anymore. Sometimes I do think why should they. Who are the role models?

I think it is more about respect others and keeping that respect.


It seems pertinent enough a question to ask exactly why these teenagers, not they are different to any other, enjoy getting wasted on spirits every weekend.

I am no different myself, I used to do things quite similar myself though it usually involved gangs of about 20 or 30 of us sitting in Summerland Glen or in the Villa Marina Gardens - and it was fun, even getting chased by police.

I have always been conscientious enough to know not to actually be cause trouble.

We were just priming ourselves till we could enjoy joining the more 'respectable' folk who frequent the clubs of the island. I probably had more respect then.


I don't think any one thing underpins the problem or even if it necessary to talk about respect for elders. Though those kids wouldn't be there is they didn't learn how to drink and when to.


If you are talking about scallies and chavs then I really have no idea myself. Don't think I would even like to guess. Just the way they speak and the clothes they wear throws up a big question mark for me.

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