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The Ballaharra Stones


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Fastyr Mie to All:

I was scanning across IoM on Google Earth.  I was searching the road that goes from Peel to Douglas for a certain landmark I recall seeing from the Bus I was riding on when I came upon a site called 'The Ballaharra Stones'.

I did a Google and found the following info URL on the Stones:



Does anyone else have any further Fascinating Information about the Stones?

It seemed to have been a Sand Pit Quarry that was doing their digging when they happened on the Stones.  According to the Link I found, the Sandpit Company donated the site to the German Parish Commissioners.



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When I posted this information onto the Social Dot Forums of the Druid Network, one of their Members posted a Link that shows all the Megaliths of the UK that is quite fascinating:



It is from that which I learned of the Story of the Chibbyr Roney Well:



When I did manage to find it, its location is no where near where the Drawn Map indicates.



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Fastyr Mie to All:

Actually, using that Megalith Portal Website, I was able to find the Story of the Chibbyr Undin Well with is located on a foot path that goes North of the Ballatrollag Farm:




I found the Well on Google Earth which is now a Small Pond:



I am finding all sorts of great Neolithic Sites on IoM using this Megalith Finder website.



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On 4/9/2020 at 3:06 AM, TheDruid-3X3 said:

Fastyr Mie to All:

I was scanning across IoM on Google Earth.  I was searching the road that goes from Peel to Douglas for a certain landmark I recall seeing from the Bus I was riding on when I came upon a site called 'The Ballaharra Stones'.

I did a Google and found the following info URL on the Stones:



Does anyone else have any further Fascinating Information about the Stones?

It seemed to have been a Sand Pit Quarry that was doing their digging when they happened on the Stones.  According to the Link I found, the Sandpit Company donated the site to the German Parish Commissioners.



That really isn’t what that article says about how the stones got to where they are.

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Here is a Megalith Portal Link that is quite Fascinating:


MEAYLL Circle, pronounced "Mull" on the isle of Man, is found on the little road to Port Erin out of Cregneish museum-village, unsignposted but only just out of sight up the hill to the right. It is about 17 paces diameter circle on a flat area just off the brow of the hill, at the top of which is a neolithic hut-village.


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6 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

It is one of those Neolithic Structures that is so Old that it is now Unknown how the Stones got to where they are.

Stonehenge is similarly Old and no one knows for certain how those Stones got to where they are too.



I heard on the QT, that it was Stobarts.

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17 minutes ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

Stonehenge is similarly Old and no one knows for certain how those Stones got to where they are too.

They do though. Nothing esoteric or wondrous about it. We used to assume the people of that age were one up from our neanderthal cousins but we now know they were resourceful and industrious when it came to the construction of that monument and others around Britain and Europe.

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28 minutes ago, quilp said:

They do though. Nothing esoteric or wondrous about it. We used to assume the people of that age were one up from our neanderthal cousins but we now know they were resourceful and industrious when it came to the construction of that monument and others around Britain and Europe.

Some of the stuff in Orkney is incredible. I know some pretty talented stone masons and they couldn't build like that.

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Is Meayll circle thought to be older than Stonehenge? Thought I read it somewhere.

I like the idea that some of the blue stones were floated down the coast on rafts from Wales. Suggestions were that a temporary canal was dug to carry them further inland to get nearer the site, like the Egyptian's did with the quarried stones.

I love all that stuff. I can imagine them high as kites on psilocybin and agaric watching the solstice unfold with wholly dilated pupils, off their heads, hallucinating and chanting some weird shit in unison.

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10 hours ago, TheDruid-3X3 said:

It is one of those Neolithic Structures that is so Old that it is now Unknown how the Stones got to where they are.

Stonehenge is similarly Old and no one knows for certain how those Stones got to where they are too.



The Stones were found in the Ballahara Sandpit. Two were damaged. The others were dug out and moved to where they now stand by Corlett’s ( who own and run the sandpit ). And that’s in my memory.

You asked how the stones got to where they are. You linked to an article.

The tomb had six large stones set above ground level. Two of these stones had been crushed but the four remaining were donated by the owners of the Ballaharra Sandpit to German Parish Commissioners, who erected the stones in St. John's near Tynwald Hill. 

 Corlett’s   didn’t give the sandpit to the Commisioners, it’s still being operated as a sandpit. It gave the stones, which were moved and re-erected where you saw them.

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