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Priorities all wrong

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25 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Imagine your post was:

How would you feel?

Let's stick with marijuana. It's what you know and I admit you must know more than me. Would you be so laissez-faire if an airline pilot, or bus driver, or for that matter any driver on our roads were a bit spliffed up  How about the person carrying out your surgery- you've already listed doctors so I take it you have no problem with that.


But maybe it doesn't really matter as long as they are "teachers, builders, advocates (yes really, I know two who partake daily), plasterers, vets, doctors, shop workers, cafe workers, civil servants and a whole load more". 





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2 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Ah yeah...forgot about those World of Warcraft players.

Hey Albert, did you hear that the organisers of the Beer Festival 2020 are looking for volunteers to help on the promise of "free samples and more"? 

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

Spliffed up!

I used to like a spliff on my way to work when I was younger. Can't do it anymore, if I light up in the morning I'm doing nothing that day. Looking back I must have been nuts, I'd be up and down scaffold, using all sorts of power tools etc. I'd never do it now. Must be getting old.

You used to (still do on the right morning) get the white vans picking up at McDeaths and the Market at 9:00 to take the brickies and the roofers who will have been on a lock in since 7:00 in the morning for a liquid breakfast to jobs. I’m always amazed there’s not as many accidents as there are if someone’s having 4 double vodkas for brekkie then going straight onto a wet slate roof. 

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1 minute ago, thesultanofsheight said:

You used to (still do on the right morning) get the white vans picking up at McDeaths and the Market at 9:00 to take the brickies and the roofers who will have been on a lock in since 7:00 in the morning for a liquid breakfast to jobs. I’m always amazed there’s not as many accidents as there are if someone’s having 4 double vodkas for brekkie then going straight onto a wet slate roof. 

I've worked with a few people who drink like that, not normally roofers though. Quite a few painters I've known are full blown drunks, not hard to see why. 

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On 11/5/2020 at 5:48 PM, quilp said:

I was the same. Made no difference to my productivity, judgement or safety. Colleagues never noticed, except those who also indulged, and to be honest, they were legion. In fact I would go as far as to say it improved my focus and helped make the dirtiest and most laborious jobs easier to get through. It's not the same for everyone, and in my experience there are those who should never've started- on any drugs, including alcohol, nay, especially alcohol. Those who would turn up for work rhuemy-eyed, reeking of the night before and useless till after lunch. They were also legion. And dangerous. 

Point taken 👍

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