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Psychiatrists ?


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13 minutes ago, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

I had to wait over 15 years before I saw a mental health professional. The system is broken. People have a religious-like worship of the NHS but the fact is that it's a total failure. We would have nothing to lose if we privatised the entire health system.

Except tremendous amounts of money and access to healthcare at all if you have a pre-existing condition.

But don't turn this thread into sycophantic dribble about Trump too.

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

Except tremendous amounts of money and access to healthcare at all if you have a pre-existing condition.

But don't turn this thread into sycophantic dribble about Trump too.

What are you ranting on about? We have an NHS and no access to appropriate healthcare. We would be better off with a free market system for health care.  And you're the moron you brought up Trump, not me.

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1 minute ago, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

What are you ranting on about? We have an NHS and no access to appropriate healthcare. We would be better off with a free market system for health care.  And you're the moron you brought up Trump, not me.


The "free market system" works for very little. And certainly not healthcare.

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1 minute ago, HeliX said:


The "free market system" works for very little. And certainly not healthcare.

The free market works brilliantly. It has produced the greatest advancement and growth in the entire history of the world in the quality of life around the world.

It's not a coincidence that we can find 20 varieties of donut but usually get forced to choose between two -- or, at most, three -- political parties.

Free market capitalism works. Government and socialism do not work.  FACT.

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Just now, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

The free market works brilliantly. It has produced the greatest advancement and growth in the entire history of the world in the quality of life around the world.

It's not a coincidence that we can find 20 varieties of donut but usually get forced to choose between two -- or, at most, three -- political parties.

Free market capitalism works. Government and socialism do not work.  FACT.

Jesus wept. I look forward to your next complete flip-flop of political views. Hopefully it's less ridiculous than this one.

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5 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I hope he's trolling. That would be less troubling than the alternative.

Well, he’s got 1000 years of manxness so perhaps that gives him a unique insight.

You will understand this when he tells you that he can trace his ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic globule. Consequently, his Manx pride is something inconceivable. He can't help it. He was born that way. But he struggles hard to overcome this defect. ( to misquote WS Gilbert )

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To be fair to the IOM - The Psychiatrist shortage is pretty dire in the UK as well and indeed pretty much world wide. The early retirement option (55 iirc?) on full pension, whilst understandable, does not help either. Care in the Community from the early 80's onwards has not worked, but there again the previous system of huge MH hospitals was if anything even worse. There is no fast, easy solution - but recognition and parity with other illnesses would be a start. The cover-ups of abuse in public sector institutions still coming to light decades later would be all but impossible in todays inspected and regulated world thank goodness.

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On 11/10/2020 at 8:00 PM, HeliX said:

Jesus wept. I look forward to your next complete flip-flop of political views. Hopefully it's less ridiculous than this one.

Curious to know what "flip flop" you think is going on here. I have always been a defender of free market capitalism All problems we see in the economy are not due to free markets but due to the absence of free markets. Crony capitalism is not free market capitalism. It is not even capitalism or state capitalism. The Isle of Man's freakish merger of state and private sector power is not capitalism but a hybrid of fascism and statism. But please answer, what different viewpoint have I ever promoted on here? 

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On 11/10/2020 at 10:04 PM, John Wright said:

Well, he’s got 1000 years of manxness so perhaps that gives him a unique insight.

You will understand this when he tells you that he can trace his ancestry back to a protoplasmal primordial atomic globule. Consequently, his Manx pride is something inconceivable. He can't help it. He was born that way. But he struggles hard to overcome this defect. ( to misquote WS Gilbert )

Excuse me but I have no "Manx pride".

Nationalism is as stupid as socialism and communism.

All systems of collectivist identity or power should be disavowed. 

The only thing we should  invest our energy in is in ideology. I have more in common with many women in Hong Kong and men in Zimbabwe or Nigeria than with the average idiot in Strand Street, Isle of Man. You know why? Because those people, like me, understand that freedom is more important than childish tribalism. 

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3 minutes ago, ThreeRaccoonsInATrenchCoat said:

Excuse me but I have no "Manx pride".

Nationalism is as stupid as socialism and communism.

All systems of collectivist identity or power should be disavowed. 

The only thing we should  invest our energy in is in ideology. I have more in common with many women in Hong Kong and men in Zimbabwe or Nigeria than with the average idiot in Strand Street, Isle of Man. You know why? Because those people, like me, understand that freedom is more important than childish tribalism. 

You need to brush up your G&S

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On 11/10/2020 at 7:56 PM, HeliX said:


The "free market system" works for very little. And certainly not healthcare.

Actually, you're wrong. Free markets are always more efficient. The problem is when the government interferes and seeks to subsidise failing business models. If government kept out of it, and let successful businesses thrive, and let unsuccessful businesses go out of business, we'd find things run a lot more efficiently. The same goes for government's own public operations. Because civil servants have no vested interest in the success of a venture, they have nothing to win or lose, they come up with all manner of policies which would cause any private sector company to go out of business. They can sustain loss because they're spending other people's money. Which is why government is so inefficient and chronically inept. Look at the Department of Infrastructure as a good example. 

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