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*****drugs Warning*****


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Don't get me wrong here am not saying taking e's is a good thing, I know little/ nothing about the stuff, what i read there seemed reasonable and of course there are always 2 sides to every argument.

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Can you hear the "thuds" as women all over the Island are passing out in awe?



I thought that was just the pitter patter of your manly feet as you headed to the kitchen to get your tea on.......



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PS. Might Stavros not object very stongly to you using his image like that????




(I see he's been waxing again.......)

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It amazes me that some people seem to be almost condoning drug taking. Ecstasy may well not cause so much crime or so many deaths as alcohol or cigarettes but that's hardly the point is it, saying people who take ecstasy aren't nearly as bad as crack/smack heads is not the point either..........point is most drugs are potentially lethal and it is illegal to sell/take them. Just because it's not as dangerous doesn't make it ok to take it. Ecstasy makes you "happy and friendly"............ will you be still be happy and friendly when you're hooked up to a life support machine as a consequence of taking illegal drugs one night? Someone commented about the possibility of teenagers dying from taking one of these rogue batch e tablets out of ignorance and peer pressure but with all the publicity etc nobody nowadays needs to be ignorant to the fact that drugs are illegal, harmful and you take them at your own risk. If these people choose to ignore warnings and carry on regardless then there's really nobody to blame but themselves.

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I am totally against drugs, lived in Holland for 8 years and seen what drugs can really do. I would like to give one very bad example of what was seen in Holland. A 7or8 year old girl was dredged out of one of the canals, cause of death heroin overdose. This child was not identified for almost a year, not untill a porn shop was raided by customs, the child was identified from one of the porn films seized.


I would like to see some of the major companies on the Island put up a compitition to see who can report the biggest drug dealer, the winner getting a large cash pay out.

I would like to see parents report their own kids if know to be taking or dealing in drugs.


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There is the MAN-MADE Law, and a HIGHER LAW (Mr Martin [Farmer] exercised this law).  If you are prepared to face the CONSEQUENCES of whatever....then SO BE IT

The law is the law. I'm sure your point is a very good one if I could see the relevance behind it! :huh:

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